Monday, December 31, 2012

The Importance of Cleansing and Detoxing

In under 10 hours from where I am located, it will be the new year....2013 will finally be here...I have so long now been anticipating its arrival.  I have purchased my cleanse so I can start off right.

I have used Nature's Secret Ultimate Cleanse in the past.  I like it for a couple of reasons.  First off, it's gentle.  I have used cleanses before that were harsh and fast acting, and you had to be quick on your toes to get to the bathroom, or you might have a problem, if you know what I mean! Not so with is a 2-part total body program.  It cleanses, detoxifies and works well on elimination.  Second, I don't have to add weird foods or eliminate foods from my diet during the cleanse to use it, which should be no more than 30 days in length. 

It contains a Multi-Herb Digestion & Detox Support and the other part is a Multi-Fiber Cleanse.  If you have never done a cleanse before, you will probably notice the whole process a bit more than what I do because I've done this a couple of times.  Always check with your doctor before starting a detox program to make sure you will be okay with doing it safely.

There are many other detox and cleansing programs out there.  There is one other I have tried and did not like it, as it contained bentonite clay as part of the cleansing process.  With all the options you can certainly chose one that will suit your needs.  Some are shorter in length than others.  And there are some really long ones.   Some are very strict with what foods you consume during the cleanse, and others not.  So just keep that in mind...what are you willing to give up eating and for how long, if that is what the cleanse warrants?

Also, as far as nutrition....during a cleanse certainly don't overeat, and don't eat junk food.  Don't smoke or drink alcohol, as all these can affect the results in a negative manner.  Keep your diet as clean as you can, and simple so as to not overwhelm your system during a time when it is 'cleaning out'. I can guarantee once you have done this, you will feel better.  It's a great way to start off a new year, and have a new you emerge!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Getting Through The Winter Months

If you live in a cold area like I do, the winter months can be rather depressing.  It's hard to do anything outside, it's cold...there's not much's just not a fun time for me....I'm a warm/hot weather I just have to 'tolerate' this time of year.  On the bright side though, it's a great time for me to really focus my thoughts and energies elsewhere....and that's a good and productive thing!

If you have a gym membership, getting out to the gym during bad weather conditions may not be an option....with a few essentials at home, you can obtain a decent workout.  A good aerobic DVD, some various dumbbells, maybe even a barbell, an exercise ball for abs, and even small exercise devices that attach to a door are beneficial.  Plan out various routines, and you can work out your entire body throughout the week!

This weather does allow me to really focus on my goals.  Count down the days to Spring (or Summer!), and set up a list of goals between now and then that you want to accomplish.  This is where you will notice even small improvements will add up over this time! Look forward to those warmer days and visualize your body in shape and lookin' great in your clothes.  Just think of the pounds you'll lose between now and then!  It's getting that mind-set and motivation going forward....and that's progress!

This blog is here to encourage you...and that encouragement helps me too!  Just keep that determination to move...the body was meant to've got all those muscles...approximately 640 of them, and 206 bones! This time of year for a lot of us can be a challenge....fresh fruits and vegetables are not available to us, so we must find appropriate alternates.  Frozen is a good choice, and some canned varieties with lower sodium are available as well.

We'll get through these next couple of months....and when Spring does arrive, and those flowers start blooming, and the buds appear on the trees...we can look back over the last 83 days and know we have come a long way, we've accomplished so much.  You'll realize how much better you feel and look.  So, even though I'm not fond of the cold weather and snow...I know that by maintaining my focus on exercise and nutrition...these long, darker days will pass...and soon the sun will emerge....and I'll be better for it! Stick with it'll reap the rewards if you do!

Friday, December 28, 2012

Stay On Track With A Calendar

I'm getting really excited....just four more days until the new year.  I always get motivated this time of year.  It's so easy to fall out of those good habits...and eventually by the time the year ends, you realize you need to get back on track.  Then there's that 'blank page' when January one rolls around, and it's this whole new feeling of getting to start fresh...I love it!

One way to help throughout the year is to track your success using a calendar.  It doesn't matter what kind of calendar...weekly, etc...whatever works for you.  Make this calendar for your health and exercise and nothing else, that way it's not all crowded with other events and such.  I prefer one that I can see the whole month on one page.

So what should you track? Well, when you weigh in, body measurements, track what days you exercise (you can include what you did; i.e. aerobics, upper body workout, etc).  Be sure to include when you eat out at restaurants...record where you went and briefly what you ate.  This will help you to 'remember' when you do that...because it should not be something done on a regular basis, but a 'treat' you reward yourself with for all that hard work!

By being able to go back each month, you can review and re-evaluate your goals and tweak them to assist you in reaching each one! Getting in shape and better health doesn't have to be boring.  It's what you make it....what your attitude is toward it...the dedication you put into it, and your day to day, week to week and month to month results that really get the job done.

I hope you have decided to resolve to be healthier in 2013.  Read the challenge that I spoke of in my earlier blog posting.  Need encouragement? Email me...I'd love to help! (put 'Health Challenge' in the subject line)  Best to all in the coming sure to check back often as I will certainly be adding more!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Working Toward The New Year

Just ten more days until 2013 arrives.  Hopefully you've been using this time to work toward the better change you are planning for the new year.

Going through cabinets, refrigerator and anywhere else you might stash food....using up, giving away or throwing away (hopefully not too much of that!)...preparing for when January 1 comes and you have what I like to call a 'blank page'...

I plan to start the new year with a cleanse.  There are many out there, and I will be blogging soon about which one I will be using.  Remember, check with your doctor when beginning a new health regimine.  It is especially important if you are on prescription drugs. 

Use these next ten days as a transition time.  Write down important things in a notebook, (or start an electronic journal) and check back to it often...adding, revising...just really encouraging words to get you in the proper mind-set.

It's almost here...I'm excited!  I've gotten a little off track this past year, and I'm excited to get going back there where I need to be...I look at my biceps and see the tone and definition there....knowing I want to build it up more.  Be specific about your goals, but realistic too.

Best of blessings for the new year....challenge yourself....reach for new heights...and most of all be encouraged, knowing that determination....hard work and sticking to it will yield the results that you've been looking for!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Hydrated - The Importance of Water

Making sure you get enough pure water is essential, vital even to your health.  All of your internal organs need is required, not an option.  Most people do not drink enough daily for their internal functions to work properly.  Continuing this day in and day out over the years can cause those oh so ever important organs to stress, become sluggish and start working improperly, then you begin having issues.  Water is just as important a 'fuel' to your body as are the solid foods you consume, and those organs need at least one (1) litre a day to function properly.

I have long been amazed at how much abuse our bodies can take and us still function every day.  You can 'get away with it' for awhile, but eventually it will catch up...and when it does, you might begin to realize something just seems to pop up all of a sudden.  Actually, it did not most likely occur that quickly, it was building over the years of neglect and this is the end result.  It doesn't have to be that way.  Taking action today and every day can keep those problems from occurring.  There is no magic bullet, and certainly no 100% guarantee.  You could do everything right, and still something go wrong.  But proper choices definitely adds
'insurance' that whatever may occur, your body is healthier and more able to handle a health issue, allowing it to not be so severe, and enabling you to recover quicker.

Not all water is created equal.  There are many chemicals added to our tap drinking water to make is suitable for us to drink.  I am not in agreement that these additives are at levels not detrimental to your health.  At least filter tap water if you are drinking it.  Bottled water can also assist, just be certain of the reliability of the source.  Water from other beverages such as coffee, soda pop and even some teas do not count toward a daily intake total for water consumption.  Most of these contain caffeine, which actually dehydrates your body.  That, you don't want to do.  Drink clear water every day.  How much? Well, I've never had a problem with the 6-8 glasses (8 oz. each glass) recommendation I've heard and read about over the years.  Then, if you are doing activities that cause you to sweat, like working in your yard on a very warm day, a good weight/aerobic workout, or a very physical job that places you in a warm environment, that extra sweating means you need extra hydration.

So how can you know if you are getting enough? Well, there's a couple ways.  Typically when you wake up in the morning, you'll notice your urine has a darker, more yellow appearance (yes, you should notice these things).  That's because through the night you've not been consuming water to dilute that color.  Or if you go too long a period during waking hours without sufficient water, you'll experience this same thing.  It is a good idea to drink 16 oz. of water upon rising (whatever time that is for you) to get that important nutrient flowing back through your internal organs.  So, if you're drinking enough water, you'll not have this dark yellow urine.  (Note: There are exceptions, some vitamins, especially B-complex darken urine, and some prescription medications have the same effect)  Also, hold your hand out flat, and pinch up the skin on the back of your hand using your thumb and index finger, then release it.  If it springs back quickly to it's original starting point, you are hydrated.  If it takes awhile for it to release back or it just stays there, you need water!

This is not a difficult task to accomplish...if you're not in the habit of doing it, you may need to put more effort into it.  You may say, 'I don't like the taste of water'....well, water doesn't have a 'taste', or it shouldn't....if it does, something is not right.  Adding a bit of fresh squeezed lemon is a great option.  Lemon is a good cleansing tonic for the liver. Without this life-sustaining nutrient, you would die in a fairly short period of time....that's how important it is...really move vital than even solid food! Don't skimp on it!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Developing Healthy Habits

That time of year is coming upon us, when most people make the ever popular 'New Year's Resolutions'.  However there are those who resolve to not make resolutions for the coming year.  Either way, it's just one of those things that if we do it, we hope we can stick to.  I think that one reason most of our resolutions don't pan out long, is we tend to be what I prefer to call 'overly ambitious'.  It is necessary to be realistic in what we would like to do....and compare it to what we know we can do.  Then after those 'big' changes, we tend to make too many resolutions.  That's when it gets overwhelming, and we just can't keep up.  Most of these fall apart before March.

Okay, so start planning now...and begin now making some small changes.  This can be challenging to 'start ahead' of January 1st, because there are so many temptations in the month of December.  Make a list, then determine what small thing you can do in that area that won't be that big of a deal, and put it in place.  You can check your list daily...and do as many of these as you are able.  Keep adding to it.  The excitement of actually doing it many times is the necessary motivation to keep moving along....forward motion.  It's a positive reinforcement that leads to further success.

Making healthy choices takes commitment, determination and dedication to your 'cause'.  Plan for 'treats', but know that these are not a daily reward.  Once a week, every two weeks, once a month...depending on what you are going to 'treat' yourself to is a consideration.  Write these down along side your 'resolutions'.  Keep your list close by....out of sight typically means out of mind...and we don't want that to happen.  Keeping this information in the forefront is the reminder to keep doing what you are doing.

One of the best and probably most popular resolutions is to eat healthier.  This does not happen overnight.  However, beginning today, start with your next meal working toward better eating choices.  Check your cabinets and pantry, and take an inventory of what is there...write it down if necessary. Use up these foods, as I don't like to waste.  Now, consider healthier alternatives, and write those down.  Make this your grocery list, so when you shop the next time, you replace the 'not so good' for the good, healthier choices. Making a list and sticking to it will help keep you on track. I will be blogging on this more in the coming weeks to assist you in swapping out poor choices to build your healthy stash.

So this is a good start.  There are many more areas that are necessary to really give a boost to a healthy lifestyle, but let's start here.  My personal trainer blog is not so much for those already big into weight lifting and healthy eating, but more so for those who are just starting.  All the information 'out there' can be confusing and overwhelming.  In this blog my intention is to bring it all down to earth in simple terms, providing what you truly need to be successful in weight loss.  It's not just something you do in January each's what you do all year long.  It won't be easy, and most likely you'll have some slides in the wrong direction...that's okay.  It's not the end of the world.  I'm not perfect either, and it's a daily challenge, but it is so worth it...and you will discover that by eventually putting all these good changes into place, you will feel better and have more energy for everything else too.  When you have good health, you have a lot...and I look at it this way, and have said it healthy is the best revenge. Wishing you a healthy start to 2013!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

The Holidays Are Here!

Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's can be rough going nutritionally when you're trying to be careful what you eat and how much you eat.  Then there's the challenge of finding time to exercise! We all have such busy lives, that adding the extra gatherings and events while maintaining some kind of exercise and proper eating habits and routine can easily be set aside.  This is where we must be careful and plan ahead.

It's inevitable...the parties will come....the ones at the office, the ones with friends and then those family dinners! Whew!  Now that Thanksgiving is past, there's two more big ones in the near future.  It truly pays to plan ahead.  If at all possible, find out what the menu is...whether it is simple finger foods or an elaborate eight course meal, this way you can map out what you'll eat, and stick to it, being careful not to overeat.  If you bring something to the event, choose wisely.  I know, this time of year, most people expect that they'll 'junk out'....hey after all, it only comes once (twice, three times) a year! But too much carelessness can be detrimental to your body weight, and adding the pounds is much easier than taking them off.

Maybe it's just me, but I welcome the healthier choices when food is involved.  A cheese tray with multi-grain crackers and grapes is a great choice, as is a veggie tray with a healthy yogurt dip.  Fruit trays are a fresh breath of air, and very can be festive using red and green creative! And make the arrangement attractive....this is something I love to do. (Note: If you're not good at this, have someone you know who is, help you.)

Set aside some extra exercise time to help make up and prepare for those extra calories, as we all know, truthfully, we will indulge a bit...even the best of us! Even an extra 10-15 minutes of aerobics in the morning, or an extra exercise day can keep the pounds under control. 

I cannot say enough about planning ahead, but also preparing your mind to stay strong.  It is tempting, and there will be foods you'll eat that you probably shouldn''s not the end of the world.  It'll just mean caution elsewhere and some extra aerobics or reps with the weights.

I'm not perfect, and I don't expect others to be.  It's rough.  Enjoy the festivities, but stay in's a give and take situation.  If you indulge at that party, then make up for it the next day with your meals by eating extra healthy....adding a few more veggies, fruits and whole grains.  It's probably not the time to fast or detoxify....we'll talk about that for the New Year resolutions!

Have fun, be safe....and stay in's your body and your responsibility....treat it with respect, and reap the benefits! Happy holidays!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Almost Tuna Salad (recipe)

1 - 2.6 oz. pouch tuna (in water)
1 hard boiled egg white
  (Cut up egg white and mix with tuna)
Scoop into a lettuce leaf
Sprinkle with organic dried dill weed and paprika
Garnish with radishes and whole grain crakcers


Saturday, September 29, 2012

Test Your Mettle - Drop Sets

Drop sets....have you heard of it? It's definitely not for the faint of heart.  This is serious weight training.  I've tried it, and it will work you out! How to: start with a challenging amount of that you can do at least 4-6 reps with.  When you finish that set...immediately drop the weight amount by 10% (don't 'rest' between sets) 6-8 reps at that weight...then immediately drop that weight again by 10%...(no resting, now!) do 8-10 reps...and finish off by dropping the weight again by 10% (we're almost there!) and perform 10-12 reps! You'll be saying 'ow!', but believe me, your muscles will be 'wow-ed'! This type of exercise is best done using a weight machine for whatever muscle group you chose to work out, as weight poundage can quickly be changed, and the idea is really pushing the muscles to perform at high intensity/energy, without the typical 30 to 90 seconds rest between sets.  It's something you can add once a week for a group of muscles that will really ramp up your results! You won't be disappointed!

Remember: If you have not exercised in a long time, and/or are on prescription medications or have health issues, get an 'ok' from your doctor before getting involved in a weight lifting program to make sure you are healthy enough to do it.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Getting Control

It is so easy and 'convenient' to go astray with eating habits...believe me, I know...been there, done that.  There are just so many temptations that abound, and even sometimes when you get past that, you get tripped up by someone who sabotages your efforts.  It can get frustrating.

It happens to the best, and getting back on track can sometimes be difficult and get delayed.  Everyday stresses sometimes makes it even easier to stray, and then reality bites and you snap to attention and wonder, 'what was I thinking'?

If you've experienced the wonderful benefits that a healthy lifestyle brings on...and then you find yourself wore down and in a slump, you realize, you've GOT to get control again.  It's one thing when you're growing up in your parent's household.  You eat what is fixed and exercise...well, that might entail a walk to the frig.

Ok, wake're a responsible adult now! So, what's you're excuse? Do you truly have a legit one?  Most of the time it's pretty get up....dust yourself off....get back on the proverbial wagon and get going!  Sometimes all it takes is a mental pep talk...other times more serious action is warranted.

If you don't take care of you, then who will? You cannot put your best self forward if you're down so much of the time.  Reality can be an eye opener.  You can find yourself in enough issue when you do take care of yourself.  When you don't you're simply asking for trouble.  Certainly the odds will stack up against you...age will continue in a forward motion and your poor choices will catch up with you, even as early as your 30's...then look out in your 40's and beware of those 50's.  Granted there are no guarantees, but why risk it?

I cannot make anybody do anything...I can provide encouragement, understanding and guidance...the rest has to come from you.  Sometimes the pep talk in my blogs is for me too...I'm human...I fall short...yup, I even get lazy (or too busy) at times.  I know what I need to be doing and I certainly don't want to be labeled a hypocrite!

Sometimes a break is necessary and unavoidable, but don't let the days become weeks, the weeks become months and so on.  Nip it in the bud.  When you work so hard and put so much effort into taking care of yourself, you don't want the slacking to cause you to lose so much of what you gained.  The mental boost I get from lifting weights and the physical results I see, are proof that what I am doing is having a positive effect.

Yes, life can get us down...taking care of ourselves can lift us up.  Keep them positive thoughts going, and those mental visions of a healthy, in shape you in the forefront.  Surround yourself with those who are for you.  Be proactive....stay on top of things. When you encounter those who are jealous and want to bring you to their level, remember, living healthy is the best revenge. :-)

Sunday, September 16, 2012

It's Supplemental - Snacking

There's a whole lot of health information just 'out there'...sifting through it all can get time consuming and be complicated.  This blog is here to help everybody sort through the plethora of reality vs. hype news that inundates us everyday from multiple directions.  Over the years I have found some great products that I like and include in my eating program.  I'm an advocate of 'clean eating'.  Potato chips and snacks such as that are a big 'no-no' on clean fact, I had a few chips the other day and realized how disgusted I was with the greasiness! Yuck! Pirate's Booty distributed by Pirate Brands has a yummy all natural aged white cheddar rice and corn puff that is allowable from time to time...satisfies that needed crunch!  I also enjoy trying the different protein bars on the market.  I'm really not a big cookies 'n' cream fan...but Met-Rx puts out a Big 100 Colossal Super Cookie Crunch bar that!  The whole bar contains 32 grams of protein, 410 calories and 14 grams of fat.  I cut the bar into at least 4 pieces, sometimes 5 or 6 pieces...and eat a piece mid-morning and a piece mid-afternoon.  Learning to eat right is paramount to your weight loss plan....the two go hand in hand!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

I'm Just Sayin'....

As written in my newsletter 'Ex'-treme Grit, Fall 2011

I have a saying...'it is what it is'....I say it a lot....because well, it just is! I don't pull any punches....I'm a very 'up front' kind of person.  My goal is for everyone to be physically, at times I can be very blunt, and I apologize if it comes across as 'not so nice'.  It's not that I don't care...because I certainly do, that's probably why the 'firm' approach.  I want what is best for myself and for others.  I read and do a lot of research and sift through information.  So, this newsletter my 'I'm Just Sayin'' is: When you want to lose weight and get in shape...and your attitude is you want it gone have to realize, you didn't put it on overnight, you're not going to take it off overnight! Even if you only have a seemingly small amount to's going to take time and patience.  Really, allow yourself at least a year to accomplish this task.  Re-sculpting your body comes through consistency, dedication and long-term commitment...then and only then will you get to a point of maintaining, which can be just as challenging as taking off the excess.  It is truly a lifetime short-term, mid-term or even long-term's got to be an 'all-the-way' attitude or you will not get the results you're looking for.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Do I Really Need A Personal Trainer?

As published in my newsletter: 'Ex'-treme Grit - Fall 2011

I'm sure that's a question many people who are starting in weight training or any fitness program want to know.  There are many factors that enter in to answering this question, such as your motivation level for exercise; your experience in proper exercise technique and usage of free weights and weight machines; your weight training goals; your health status and numerous other issues (many that there are that should be addressed).
'So what can a personal trainer do for me'?, you ask...maybe you don't even know what a personal trainer is! Well....they can assess your current health and possible risk factors, monitor your vitals such as heart rate and blood pressure and plan an appropriate, custom workout program designed around your needs, help determine your goals,  keeping you on a realistic track so you see progress and reach those goals.  The more diversified trainers can map out a nutrition plan, and motivate you to stick to it so you get healthy, lose weight and gain strength...again, keeping you on the pathway to meet you objectives, then re-evaluate and set new goals as necessary.  A personal trainer can teach you proper lifting techniques, and provide rotating programs that keep your workouts fresh and exciting, so you look forward to working out.  And then what about those reps you know are in you, that left to your own devices, you'd just not do...that personal trainer will squeeze that extra rep or two out of you, enabling you to reach the body of your dreams....yes, it is just as attainable as those 'elusive' 6-pack already have them, in case you know know...they just need to be 'uncovered'.  A personal trainer is a coach, encourager and advocate for your well-being.  There are many people just starting out that would benefit from this wealth of information...and even for those seasoned veterans...perhaps not as often, but from time to time, it's nice to have someone to assist and push when obstacles and plateaus arise.  Maybe you don't need a personal trainer all the time, and perhaps you do...sit down with one for an evaluation...allow one to 'work you out', then make a decision as to whether it's right for you.  It's your body and your life...don't you want the best for it? Getting and keeping healthy is an experience and a rewarding journey...and many times it's reassuring to know you have someone you can trust to help you along the way...the path will not always be smooth...choosing to be fit is a lifestyle change and it takes a lifetime commitment to be successful.  It never hurts to have a 'trained' hand or a second opinion.  Happy 'ex'-ercising!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Whole Foods - The Importance Of

It's evident we're a society of convenience.  As if 'yesterday' weren't soon enough, we want it now! Those yesteryear's of spending the day cooking in the kitchen and sitting down to a family meal around the dinner table have become a thing of the past.  It's sad really, because those are some of my fondest childhood memories.  Maybe they seemed to be 'good' because we were rather ignorant of food nutrients back then.  Cholesterol, what was that?
Times have certainly changed, and we now have no excuse of not being an informed people, however, most of us are still clinging to the ignorance, perhaps because some of us just never bothered to look at food labels to read what we were getting.
In 1990, the Nutrition Labeling and Education Act was passed, and this law is what began to guide Americans to become educated and more in charge of their own health.  No longer were you 'left in the dark' about ingredients in the foods you were purchasing. 
Because the field of nutrition is ever changing, it can become overwhelming and complicated to try to keep up with it.  One day you hear something is bad for you, the next day, not so. 
Grocery store shelves are loaded with processed junk.  It's convenient, so we buy it.  Fresh has gotten lost in the mix.  We tend to flock to the center of the store when we should be shopping the perimeter where the better food choices reside.  Whole foods are advancing in popularity as health issues are gaining more 'air time' on the news.  Diseases such as diabetes, high cholesterol, and cancer are rampant.  We need to realize what we eat directly connects to disease in our bodies.  It is necessary to radically change our diets to what our bodies need, not what is convenient.  Our lives are filled with running here and there, and we just don't slow down...our food choices reflect that, and it has got to change, or we will continue to see an increase in nutrition related disease and illness.  We are a society of food abundance, yet we are malnourished.  We must reverse this trend!
Even our supplements, which have gained popularity over the past couple of decades are lacking.  We buy something off the shelf without knowing if it is complete, just hoping it will cover our nutritional deficiencies.  Let me tell you, I'm starting to learn that since I took my nutrition course back in the early 90's, a lot has changed in the supplement world.  The majority of supplements on the market are just fractions of vitamins, not complete complexes like those found in whole foods.  So where we think we are making up for deficiencies, we are actually adding to them!  Perhaps you may think all is well now...but on down the line you may find out different...then you have something to deal with and turning it around may not be a possibility.
I will be writing many more blogs about whole foods and supplements, as it is very important for our health.  Not only for us, but for our furry companions as well.  Please check out my other blog regarding canine health and nutrition at:
It's the 21st Century...we are very technologically advanced, we should also be very educated and in charge of our own health...nobody else can do it for you.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Learning The Basics About Protein

As published in the Flyer March 31, 1997

There are two types of protein; the kind found in animal products and those found in vegetable foods.  The RDA for the average size adult is about 50 grams.
Many studies have been conducted on the affects of these proteins in relation to heart disease and certain types of cancer.  Red meats are high in protein, but are also a large contributor of fat, especially the saturated kind, which in turn affects cholesterol levels in the blood.  A good reason to consider meatless alternatives is that soybeans, legumes and tofu offer excellent protein content without all the 'bad' fat.
One (1) cup on legumes contains 13 grams of protein and 1 gram of fat (about .3 of it saturated)  A typical serving of red meat, about 4 ounces, contains 28 grams of protein with 24 grams of fat attached to it (almost 10 of them saturated!)
There is a lot of misinformation around about protein in the diet.  It seems a high-protein diet is almost the 'in' thing to do.  Be careful, practice moderation on protein consumption as high protein intake can present health risks.  Too much protein in the diet ranks up there with too much fat and sodium in our diets.
So, how much protein should you be getting? Use the following calculations to determine your correct range: take your current body weight and convert it to kilograms (pounds divided by 2.2 equals kilograms), multiply kilograms by 0.8 to get your RDA in grams per day.  Males 18 years old and younger, multiply by 0.9.
Protein can be found in varying amounts in legumes, nuts, whole grains, vegetables, eggs and milk products.
Remember, more is not better when it comes to protein.  Balance the foods in your diet, add variety, practice moderation and drink plenty of clear water every day.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Don't Overlook the Importance of Aerobic Exercise

Make sure when you set up an exercise program that you include aerobics in the's very important.  It will warm up your muscles and increase your heart rate, preparing you for the rest of your workout.
There are many options you can chose from that will fit in with your personal schedule and physical ability.  Walking, running, elliptical, tread mill, stair step.  I really like the elliptical, as it really burns the calories in a shorter period of time.
Leslie Sansone has a great selection of in-home walking DVD's.  I've used them for many years.  These are particularly good for slimming up your legs and providing overall fat loss.
It doesn't require an hour to reap rewards from aerobic exercise.  You can warm up in 10 minutes, you can burn calories and get a good exercise in 20 minutes.
If you are not interested in lifting weights, that's ok.  The great thing about exercise is, it is very versatile.  Do what works best for you...just keep it going so you get results.  I think some people give up too soon.  Be patient.
Also, don't forget to stretch and cool down at the end of your exercise, so you can bring your heart rate back down to a resting point.
Know that each time you choose to exercise, you do something that is healthy for your body.  Keep it up, and you won't be disappointed.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Protein Shake

I love the EatSmart total nutrition shake that iSatori has.  My favorite is the Strawberry Cheesecake.  I use a scoop of it after a workout....put in blender with about 6 oz. whole milk (I prefer organic), you can add ice, some frozen blueberries or frozen banana, blend, pour, enjoy!
Check out their website listed on my favorite websites on this blog and view all the flavors of this shake they have and other supplements they have available.

A Quick Word About Carbs and Proteins

I will definitely be blogging more about carbohydrates (carbs) and protein.
Please check out my suggested reading and my favorite websites.  I just added Arrowhead Mills.  Their products are great! They're organic...they're good food...especially before a workout.  I like the Kamut Puffs...a bowl before a workout gives me fuel for the workout...then a protein drink/shake afterwards. (You don't want to eat a lot of food before working out, because your body will be putting its energy toward something light about an hour before your workout). I will add a link to one of my favorite protein powders with some suggestions for preparing.
Just remember, carbs before, for fuel...protein after to help repair muscles.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Counter-Top Push Ups

This is one of my favorite exercises...I struggle with the traditional floor push-ups, and this one seems to be just as effective.
As the name of the exercise states, you can do these by leaning with your hands on a counter-top (I actually stand in front of the kitchen sink).
Place your hands about shoulder width apart on the counter with your elbows facing outward. (Your fingers will be facing each other).  Stand far enough away from the counter that your arms are straight, you will be 'leaning' on the counter-top.  Place your feet about hip width apart.  Inhale, contract abdominal muscles and lean toward the counter-top, just as if you were doing a push up from the floor.  Lean far enough that your elbows push out to a 90 degree angle.  Exhale and push yourself back.  I repeat these about 15 times and do two sets.  By having your elbows facing out, you will really feel the pull in your muscles across the top of your chest.  You can also perform push ups similar to this using a Smith Machine.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Using Your Body Weight To Do Exercises

There are many exercises you can do using your own body weight as resistance.  One of these is the Body Weight Stationary Lunge.
This is especially good for persons new to doing lunge the lunge is a very versatile exercise, in that you can lunge forward, sideways and backwards.  This particular one focuses on lunging forward.   This exercise works hip extensors...the glutes, hamstrings and hip adductors, and also the knee extensors...the quadriceps.
Position legs in a lunge position with the lead leg far enough out to allow for desired range of motion (legs will resemble a 'V' shape).  Keep back in proper alignment and straighten the back knee and lean forward.  Placing each hand on the side of your hip, inhale and allow the trunk to come forward and down until you feel a good stretch down the back of leg muscles.  Only lean forward a far as is comfortable for you.  Make sure to keep the forward knee aligned straight with the toes, and keep the trunk aligned with the back leg.  Hold, and slowly begin to exhale and press your body back up to the starting position. Repeat on each leg for as many repetitions/sets as you are able.  You can alternate legs or do them all on one side at one chose which works best for you.
This exercise does not require any special equipment to perform, however, if you have the availability of a step board (used in aerobics), you can tilt the board by placing the supports on just one side.  This will add extra resistance and make the exercise a little more difficult.
Remember to always check with your doctor before beginning a new exercise program, and always use slow and in controlled motions so you do not hurt your muscles.  Warm up and cool down, and drink plenty of water to stay properly hydrated.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Posture Perfect

It really is true that standing up straight can make you look thinner.  It also makes you feel better, and allows your internal organs to 'breathe' properly.

So stand up, roll both shoulders backwards and stop when you get to where you feel a slight stretch across your chest.  Now, pull your abdominal muscles in, but don't forget to breathe...this is possible to do with a little bit of practice.  Contracting your stomach muscles won't make a bulging tummy go away, but it can help tone as you lose weight.  Ok, don't forget to hold your head up...don't be slumping down and forward.  Now walk across the floor...don't hold your breath.  Doesn't that feel nice? Make it a habit, you'll look taller and slimmer and feel better to boot!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Maintaining a Positive Attitude

So much of eating right and exercising is a mind-set.  The main part of the battle will be in your head...keep that in mind as you face each new day.  That's why it is so important to plan ahead. Anticipate issues that may arise and have a battle plan mapped out to avoid disasters.  But, also realize, there may be a time when you lose a battle, for whatever reason...but don't give up....the war isn't over!  You're in it for the long haul...this is a lifestyle'll experience valley moments and be down...but hopefully it will be the moutaintop experiences that keep you up!
Buy, prepare and plan your day, your week.  Understand the importance of what you are doing.  I'm sure I don't have to tell you, there will be those who will be jealous of your endeavour, and will try everything possible to get you off track.  Consider the source of these individuals, and well by being healthy is the best revenge! :-)
You're obtaining something they'd like to have, but they're not willing to do what is necessary to get their plan is to sabotage your efforts.  I've been around such people, and have worked with a few.
Keep positive thoughts going in your head, and review each day's success in your mind.  Write it on paper, so you can have it handy when you're having a rough day. Most results will be small ones, but that's moving forward in the right direction.
Don't become obsessed by weighing on the scale or taking body measurements.  Weigh once a week, and measure once a month.  The results will be greater, and it gives you something to look forward to.
I will be adding directions to some of my favorite exercises in coming blogs...I hope you'll try them out...and know that I'm here to help, guide, assist and encourage.  The battlelines have been drawn...and the outcome is victory....stick to it...don't give up, you can do it!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Getting Prepared, Being Prepared

In comparison, the exercising is almost easier than the nutrition part when it comes to getting it all together to make a weight loss and exercise plan successful.
If it's been awhile since you ate properly, or you never really have eaten right...then it's going to take some time.  You'll have to determine what fruits and veggies you like....consider what you'll fix for the week...make your list....go shopping...and then there's the rinsing...cutting...chopping...and storing all these fresh foods. (Note: don't buy more perishable items than you can eat in a few days...otherwise they will go bad, and you've wasted your money)  If you purchase single pieces of fruit, you'll have more may cost a little more, but you haven't saved anything if you buy a bag of fruit and can't eat it all because it goes bad.
I do my grocery shopping on Sunday.  Then when I come home and I'm putting stuff away...I have time in the afternoon (might want to allow about an hour, depending on what you've purchased), so I can do all the prep work...then I don't have to do that during the week when my time is more tight.  You use whatever time frame fits your personal schedule.  If you don't prepare the foods right away, you're less apt to eat them, because you might not be able to find the time later to fix them up.  If they're all ready, you have no excuse!
I purchase boneless, skinless chicken breast in the family pack when they're on sale.  They're thick enough, that I take a sharp knife and slice them down the middle the long (thick) way...and package them in individual sandwich bags and stick them in a freezer bag with my date of purchase on the outside of the bag, then freeze them.  Then I have a single serving ready for when I need it.  Makes it easier, and it cooks quicker not being so thick, and gives you the right size of meat for a serving.
Really once you get used to it, it's not that bad.  I marvel at the array of colors  before me.  One challege you can try...and it is a challenge...see if you can eat six different colors of fruits and vegetables every day...may not sound difficult...but see how you fare! Make it fun....change things up....experiment....use herbs and don't want your eating plan to go down the tubes because it has no flavor! And you don't want to lose interest because you become bored. 
Once you get in the habit of eating good for you food, you'll want it over the junk least 99.99999% of the time!
I consider myself a down-to-earth type of person.  I'm not perfect, and I don't expect it from others.  We're human...hopefully we act like it...especially toward others. If I expected or demanded that you be on the mark 100% of the time, then I'd come across as harsh and insensitive...and a hypocrite!  Life happens, and at times our day does not go as planned.  You do have to be flexible...plan for that...and be forgiving...not only toward others, but to yourself.
If your weight loss journey is a long road...understand that and be patient for results...sticking to it and not giving up will yield success.  Planning ahead and being prepared makes the road a little less bumpy! Appreciate the changes you are making...maintain a positive attitude, and don't fall apart when occasionally something doesn't go the way you intended.  Don't sweat the small stuff.  Oh, and by the way, I hear it's all small stuff! :-)

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Dealing With Food Temptations

We all have a weakness....even if we won't admit it or acknowledge it.  Mine is sugar...refined sugar...the really bad for you stuff.  Maybe your vice is something else....maybe it's not all that bad for you, maybe it's worse than mine.
Sometimes the fight proves to be too much.  I've experienced this numerous times over my adult life.  I really think my issue goes back to having sweets carefully monitored by a mom who tightly limited its consumption.  Whatever the reason, I continue to struggle with it.  Even though I have a lengthy, strong background in nutrition and personal trainer certification, I am still human.
So, what do you do when you become overwhelmed by the temptation? You can ignore it...that may help for a little while, but probably won't last long.  Once I make up my's hard to get over it.  So, from rare time to rare time...I just have to give in to it.  So, I can go out and buy $10 worth of candy...and when I get home and start eating it...a piece here, a piece there...a couple more pieces....and then I find as much as I was craving it, it's not really that I end up not eating that much...and I'm done with it! Hmmm....that wasn't so bad.  Maybe it was really that I just wanted to know I could have it, and then when I didn't take so much...I may have thought I would just go crazy over it...and I didn't.
It's okay to allow something from time to time...just don't make it a habit...then it's not a treat.  An occasional 'no-no' food is allowable.  When you make proper choices 99.99999999% of the time, you won't blow it when you 'fall off the wagon' so to speak.
What my weakness proves to me, is that I can satisfy a craving and not go overboard.  Stay in control, make wise food choices, exercise regularly and you will be far ahead of most other people...and you'll realize you are still human! It's okay.

Don't Skip Breakfast

I've heard so many people over the years tell me they don't eat breakfast. I don't understand that, because breakfast is my favorite meal of the day! There are many times I eat 'breakfast foods' for dinner!
The word breakfast can be broken down into two words....'break'....and 'fast' are actually breaking a fast that you've had overnight while sleeping...your body has gone most likely anywhere from 10 to 12 hours from the last time you in a manner of speaking, you're body was fasting.
Breakfast really is an important part to the start of your day.  You need to fuel your body to get your day started.  However, it needs to be proper fuel.  Soda pop and a donut is not the right kind of energy source to start your day.
It may be a little hard at first if you're not used to eating breakfast....but there are so many yummy choices.....a whole grain waffle with some fruit spread or fresh fruit.  A whole grain bagel with cream cheese....cooked egg whites with fresh veggies and herbs....whole grain toast....fresh fruit....a bowl of organic raisin bran.  All of these help to rev up your morning metabolism and give you necessary energy for the rest of the morning.
Starting your day off on the right foot with a good breakfast sets you up to make proper food choices for the rest of the day.  Don't forget to pack those healthy snacks to keep blood sugar levels up...nuts, yogurt, fresh fruit, organic cheese, whole grain crackers.
Once you get used to doing this, you'll wonder how you ever didn't do it.  Determination and commitment to proper eating will pay off.  You will feel better, have more energy and maintain a healthy weight.  Because of this you will increase your willpower to not want those foods that tempt you brought in by co-workers.  My attitude about that is not a negative telling myself, 'I can't have that''s me saying, 'that's not for me'.  That thought has worked for me.  So much of it is a mindset.
I will post many more blogs to help guide you and encourage you.  Just as I said yesterday that nutrition is your first line of defense, it is also your lifeline.
You may struggle with it at first, but hang it there...the rewards are worth it!

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Proper Nutrition - Your First Line of Defense

I've been glad to see over the last decade or so that more attention has been given to organic foods, and people are making changes for the better in their diets.  That being said, there's still a lot of work to be done in this area...not only in the personal realm, but once the information is 'out there', getting more people to apply it to their own lives.
I remember when I was a kid, we didn't know about cholesterol, how it can clog your arteries and be bad for you, or that 'white' bread was made from refined flour.  I guess ignorance was bliss! My mom fixed decent meals, she was a good cook, and my dad planted a nice garden every year.  We only drank soda pop on rare occasion, and what desserts we had were home made....although that was with refined sugar!
We've come a long way...but still a long way to go.  It's so easy to eat wrong, the convenience of fast food is everywhere, the lure of cheap prices on junk food is irresistible.  Time is short these days as busy lives going different directions struggle to sit down to a true meal at the dinner table together.  It's a most people just aren't up for.
Diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure are off the charts....more and more people fall prey to these each year....heart attack and stroke are occuring at much younger ages than used to be.  Why? We're in the 21st Century, we have all this advanced technology, yet people are more sick, ill and diseased than ever before! It just doesn't make sense!
Remember that 'old' saying, 'you are what you eat'? could you be anything else? Junk in, junk out! Realistically, I'm not saying a piece of cheesecake will never pass my lips again! That's certainly setting myself up for disaster.  It's the daily over consumption of this junk that is literally killing us!  It's no longer a 'treat', it's habit.
So, what's your excuse? Not enough time? Convenience? You plan to 'do that' later? When? There's no time like the present to start changing for the better.  I'm sure you've heard it before...even small changes can make a difference.  It's not like four decades ago when we were ignorant to what our foods's in the news....every day I hear something regarding food, health, disease, etc.  You cannot escape it, but I guess you can choose to ignore it.  That is, until something goes terribly wrong.
We tend to not go long without food...we really can''s a necessity.  However, we need to eat to live, not live to eat! That's what can get us in some weighty trouble! Then all kinds of problems set in.  You may 'get away with it' in your 20's...but by your 30's you may start noticing things...and if you can make it to your 40's...that's when things really start to not work the way they used to...and gee whiz, by the 50''s really all catching up now!  Ok, so you think, I'm young...I've got time...don't put it's important NOW, regardless of your age!
I will be adding healthy recipes, better eating guidelines and exercise suggestions to this blog. Good nutrition is your first line of defense in warding off obesity and many diseases...think about that.  I hope you will read these blogs, and make them a part of better life changes.  I'm sure you want to be around to share more time with loved ones...quality of life sure beats quantity of life!  There are no 100% guarantees but why risk it?

Facing The Scale

It's a harsh reality, but a necessary one.   Stepping on the scale...most of us dread it because we know the news will probably not be encouraging....especially that first time when we do it because we've decided it's time to lose weight.  How bad is it? Well...I look at it this is what it is...but I can change that, and I'm going to change that.  Really, that's probably the hardest part...from now on...the scale will be the true measure of your success.
It can be a long road, especially if you have quite a bit to lose...but remember, slow but steady wins the race! Take it off slowly....2 to 3 pounds a week.  You didn't put it on over night, so you're not going to take it off over night.  I believe being informed and educated on weight loss and food aids in the overall success.  I'm not fond of counting calories...measuring I'm not going to ask you to, but I will say, do know how much a serving is...what 3 oz. looks like, what a half cup looks like, don't do seconds and eat a dark green leafy salad every day. 
I will be posting many blogs to assist your journey of weight loss.  I will give suggestions, advice and encouragement.  I know personally how hard it is, how frustrating it can be, but I also know personally how rewarding it is...I feel better at a lower weight, and I have more energy when I eat right.
Don't torture yourself by becoming obsessed with the scale.  Weigh once a week...preferbly the same day at the same time.  I usually wear as few clothes as possible to get a true measure.  Also, don't mentally beat yourself up if you went a little're human.  Pick one day, and one meal to eat what you want.  That's not a license to binge and eat a whole cheese cake.  It's a treat you can look forward to that will help keep you on track.  Moderation is a necessity.
I know of all the temptations.  Be prepared, plan ahead.  This will take thinking in advance on your part.  I'll be here to help.  If you have questions, please ask.  My email address is:, put 'Blog Question' in the subject line.  I wish you every success in your life and health.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Water Is A Very Vital Nutrient

As printed in the Westside Flyer March 10, 1997 (Updated June 29, 2012)

Did you know the body requires six nutrients? Do you know what those nutrients are? They are protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals and water.
In this article I am going to focus on water, the most vital nutrient.  Our bodies are 60% water! Daily metabolic activity accounts for a loss of about tow and a half  liters of water from your body; you require at least one to one and a half liters of clear water a day just for your (internal) organs to function properly.  What happens if you don't get that much in a day? It stresses your organs.  Fortunately for us, the body is able to handle a certain amount of stress, but why push it when we have such easy access to water?
Sources of water are many, coffee, tea, and soda pop... but those don't count as clear water.  Drinks which contain caffeine and/or alcohol actually dehydrate your body.  They are not a water replacement.  Water doesn't actually have a "taste", at least it's not supposed to, it's bland and also calorie and fat free, but I know of some people who claim they don't like water.  One suggestion I have would be to squeeze a little fresh lemon or lime juice into water; lemon is a great internal cleanser, especially first thing in the morning.
Considering the amount of contaminants in today's tap water, serious consideration for a good water filtering system or bottled water would be a good choice, pure steam distilled would be my personal preferance.
There are many fruits and vegetables which contain a significant amount of water like head (iceburg) lettuce and watermelon.  These are assistful in helping to maintain the correct balance of fluids in our body.
Water is not just an important source of hydration for athletes, we all require it, daily.  Eating properly is important, but water surpasses food when it comes down to survival.  Have you had your eight glasses today?