Sunday, September 28, 2014

Crockpot Turkey and Veggie Soup

Fall is a great time to indulge in warm foods....the cooler weather prompts us to seek comfort....what better way than with colorful veggies and lean turkey to fill your tummy?

32 oz. organic vegetable broth
1/2 pound turkey tenderloins
3 medium organic white potatoes
1/2 lb. organic mini carrots
1/2 organic green pepper
2 stalks organic celery
3 organic yellow beets
1/4 - 1/2 cup sweet onion
2 large organic kale leaves
1 small mild jalapeno
Seasonings: dill (1 tsp), black pepper (to taste), Bragg Organic Sprinkle (1 tablespoon)
Cut turkey tenderloin into small pieces.  Peel and slice potatoes, beets and onion.  Cut green pepper and celery into chunks.  Pull kale off stem and break into small pieces.  Slice jalapeno.  Pour vegetable broth into crockpot and add all ingredients. Stir in seasonings.  Cook on high about 6 hours.  Enjoy with organic crackers or homemade organic bread.

Journal Thoughts 9/28/2014

What's on your mind today? What are the typical thoughts that move thru your brain? Good? Bad? Indifferent? Does it matter? Yes, it does. How? Because thoughts become words, and words become action that play out in deeds.  So how you think has a lot to do with what you say and ultimately what plays out....that can be good or not so good.  I'm blogging about this because I suffer from this type of brain anomaly from time to time and I find myself struggling to pull out of it.  I'm really a very positive individual, but sometimes the negative gets the better of me....fortunately not for long.  I know you've probably all heard that no matter how bad you have it, there is someone else, somewhere else worse off...and that's true...however, my problems are my issues that I do have to deal with whether it's brought on by my own doings or something with someone else.

There are a couple of good sayings I really like and feel they are worth repeating...this first one especially if you have issues with your temper. Don't know who said it, probably that really popular 'anonymous' person that always quotes all kinds of beneficial phrases....but the saying goes, 'he who angers you, controls you'. I don't know about you, but I don't want someone else having that kind of power over me, because I feel that is unproductive and a waste of time and energy. And then one of my favorite AFPA (American Fitness Professionals and Associates) sayings, 'your fitness is 100% mental....your body will not go where your mind does not take it'.  That is so true.  In many of the issues I've been successful in overcoming these last handful of months, I really cannot tell you 'how' I did it, or 'why' it's working for me...all I can really say is, it's a mindset....and that has to become a lifestyle.  No turning back...and no compromise.

I know it's easier said than done, but when (not if) you find yourself falling into a negative thought pattern....turn to friends who can encourage you and lift you up.  Really, no one should need look too far to realize how blessed you are...regardless of what is going on.  Another saying, 'what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger' is wise.  Most of us have been through difficulty and experience times in our lives that are rough....that's just life...but realize, 'this too shall pass'. I am the person I am now because of my life doesn't get easier or more forgiving, rather I get stronger and more resilient.  (another AFPA quote) I hope you have a good and productive day and that all your thoughts are positive ones that put a smile on your face and encourage others who pass your way! Be strong, be 'well'!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Journal Thoughts 9/16/14

One thing I know is...I'm not 'normal'....but that's a good least I think so.  What that means is, I'm willing to talk to you and discuss with you things that most people wouldn't.  That's a good thing too....because this needs to be said.  Personal training isn't all, like lifting weights and aerobics.  It's a lot about nutrition, and health.

One health issue that is a downfall for many is intestinal health...I know...kind of an icky thing...but so, so important.  If this area gets messed're going to have problems. Your digestive system starts working from the moment you put food in your mouth.  Saliva mixes with the food to prepare it for the long journey through all those organs that handle this job. When you consider just the intestines alone you're looking at 18-23 feet for the small and about 5 feet on the large. That's a lot of area...all of it precisely placed inside you.  Believe me, there's not a lot of wiggle room, so this gets messed're certain to feel the discomfort!

What you eat makes a big difference in whether you hinder or help this process.  Red meat and fatty foods have a long transit time...up to 7 days! So if something gets held up a bit or doesn't completely go through, problems can arise...and over a long period of time this can cause some health issues that should never have happened.  Upon autopsy, John Wayne had some 40 pounds of fecal matter lodged in his colon.  Yuk! Gross, huh? Yeah.  That's no laughing matter...this could happen to you if you don't take your eating seriously, and change those bad habits.

Again, this should never happen.  There are many products to help clean this area out....but it is best to make sure first that you have a proper diet.  Then along with that at least once a year, if not twice, do a cleanse or detox, Fall and Spring are the best times.  Of course, always check with your health practitioner to make sure you select the one that would best benefit you.  Guess that's enough said about tonight's journal thoughts.  Think about digestive is very important...don't neglect this...get on top of it and stay on top of it.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Journal Thoughts - 9/14/14

I think a lot...always have. I find it very therapeutic to jot down thoughts and feelings...something about putting it on paper that seems to help me evaluate where I am physically, emotionally and spiritually.  So, I'd like to share my health, fitness and nutrition thoughts with blog readers. 

I love to talk to people about their health...I think it's even more important to me now that I'm older and I realize how important it is to watch what you eat...and the need for exercise.  Believe me, poor choices and habits will catch up to you...I've discussed this with so many doesn't have to be that way...

So, does a person's metabolism slow as they age? I've not done any reading on it, but in my personal opinion, I think it's the individual who slows down. And it seems like today more than ever with the availability of so much food....most of it not worth you putting it in your mouth...people don't always make the best choices...for whatever are as many excuses as there are people.

I'm not trying to be harsh or judgmental.  I've been there....far more times than I would care to admit.  It's a slippery slope, and once you start to just keep rolling and it picks up speed...gets out of control...and before you know it, you've put on unneeded and unwanted pounds, and you can't find the 'get-up-and-go' to get back on track. I know how it feels.  And I feel for you...I care for you and for your health....probably more than you know.

I will continue to share my journal thoughts...I hope that one of them will touch your mind, and you'll take it to heart and look after your health is so much more than junk food...that won't get you very are what you eat....I want to help you....please feel free to email me with your questions....( I'm here to encourage you and help you.  I know it's not easy...I haven't always been this way, and I haven't always looked the way I do now. 

Below is a picture of me from 2000 when I weighed nearly 200 pounds...and one from just a little over a month ago....some 60 pounds lighter....feeling so much better! Always...take care! <3

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Veggie & Black Bean Pasta Salad

1 can organic black beans
6 oz. organic Rotini pasta
1/4 organic green pepper
8 organic baby carrots
1/2 medium banana pepper
1/4 medium red pepper
1 small jalapeno pepper
1 small tomato
(Note: Broccoli and onion optional)
Spices to taste: black pepper, organic dill weed, Bragg Organic Sprinkle
Olive Oil and Vinegar dressing
Cook pasta according to package directions (drain when finished), rinse and drain black beans.  Chop vegetables, (chop jalapeno finely).  Mix all ingredients, add spices and enough dressing to moisten.  Refrigerate for 2 hours, then enjoy!