Monday, August 8, 2022

Skincare After 60


When I write an article for my blog, I typically spend hours researching information.  I seek answers to the questions I have, because it’s important to me to know and understand completely about the subject.  It’s easy to skim over the top, which is what most people do.  I dig deep so I can learn and come away with the best knowledge available to me, which makes me feel confident in passing along my findings. I’m all about simplicity, natural and herbal means to living.  Less many times is better!

Not everything works for everyone, nor works the same for everyone.  If you have sensitive skin and/or take prescription drugs, you should consult with a dermatologist and your doctor before you ingest supplements or put products on your skin.  Your skin is your largest organ.  It is a living, breathing, absorbing organ!

Human as I am, I’m once again finding myself turning around from careless habits I should never allowed to happen.  It is what it is, and I know I need to change that, which is exactly what I am in the process of doing.  Even set-backs or poor decisions have life-lessons.  Learn from them and move forward in the confidence that you will do better!

I will turn 60 in December.  I’m not scared of that…in fact, I want to fully embrace the privilege of having come this far.  I feel the good Lord still has much for me to experience, and my body, His temple needs to be the best it can, and that means I need and have to do better for it!

It doesn’t get easier as we get older, I’m sure y’all realize that! I’m not trying nor do I want to look 30 or 40 years old.  I want to look the best and feel the best I can at 60 (and beyond!).  I’ve got to be good to me, after all I’m the only one who can do that for me!

I’ve stated this blog isn’t just for women…men can benefit from the information as well.  That being said, women especially go through so many changes around 60…menopause (and even peri-menopause) are a big deal.  It’s an inward change, but it also has outward physical effects, things you may not realize.  It can carry an emotional toll and is so different from the days of having a menstrual cycle.

Functional fitness is even more important at this age and beyond.  Balance and flexibility are key to maintain, and a must for remaining independent in the next coming decade of life.  I’ve got to be able to climb up and down the stairs of my basement to do my laundry.  I have two little doggies to care for. I need to be able to bend over and stoop down.  If I am not able to do this, then I’m in trouble!

I hope you care enough about your skin to want it to look good, yes….even at 60+! That’s not vanity, that’s necessity! Healthy looking skin at any age should be a priority.  It is a reflection of your over-all health.  You only get one body here on earth, it’s imperative you do everything in your ability to care for it properly.  I cannot stress that enough!

Skin renewal time:

Babies – 14 days

Teenagers – 28 days

Adults – 24 to 42 days

50+ - up to 84 days

In looking at the above chart on skin renewal time, it is easy to see how your body changes and its ability and length of time to regenerate.  What that means, is when you make positive changes, it’s now going to take longer to see the results.  That also means, you have to have patience….stay the course, and continue on even if you’re not seeing it or feeling it in a short time. It’ll come…wait for it!

There are natural ways to help speed up the process.  Dry brushing is one way.  As our skin ages, there is a decrease in collagen synthesis and elastin.  The best way to boost collagen is internally.  Applying lotions and creams with collagen to the skin will not work.  (Note: see article on this blog page that I wrote regarding collagen).

For years you’ve heard about the importance of drinking enough water every day.  It is a really important factor in your health.  Your body needs this nutrient to perform many internal functions.  Without sufficient water, internal organs become sluggish, and this can cause a domino effect of health issues, and will reflect in the appearance of your skin.  I drink distilled water every day. I’ve recently started making it a ‘spa water’ by adding lemon and orange slices (you can also use pink grapefruit).  It’s a great boost!

There are many beneficial, simple products you can use that will help your skin look its best…and they are natural….not synthetic, man-made stuff.  I am researching more and planning on making my own face/body cleanser using these very ingredients I am sharing with you below:

·        Castile soap.  It’s anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral.  It is hydrating due to saponified oils.  It is made from plant oils (can’t get more natural than that!) It’s great for acne (which you may not have at 60) but it’s gentle to your skin, which is nice at any age!

·        Aloe vera gel.  It’s anti-bacterial and great for firming the skin.  It’s an all-over body jewel, as it increases collagen production.

·        Witch hazel.  One of my favorites for decades! It’s anti-bacterial and firming as well.  I love to use it for soothing my eyes.  I soak organic cotton rounds in it, (squeeze out excess) and apply to your eyes (closed, of course) for 10-15 minutes.  It really firms up the skin on my eyelids!

·        Vitamin E oil.  Great for moisturizing dry skin.  Yes, it is oily, so apply sparingly, and best to use at night when retiring to bed.

·        Rosehip oil.  This is one I’m looking into more, because this could be a real game-changer!  It naturally contains trans-retinoic acid, which is a great alternative to the synthetic, man-made Retinol.

I know this has been a long blog…but your skin is a big thing! Remember that! I’ve also provided some links so you can read for yourself some of what has been discussed in this article.  I can’t do it all for you.  It’s up to you to take the personal responsibility to actually do it! I’m here to help you by sifting through all the overwhelming data and provide to you simple information that you can use. There is a lot to it, and it can be confusing.  The results from my research I provide is helpful, and much of this I’ve put into personal practice for nearly four decades. I’ve found what works, and what doesn’t.  You have to find that for you as well.  Take care of your body and it will take care of you!