Saturday, July 11, 2015

Bean and Veggie Medley - Recipe

Summer is a great time to eat cold foods...and what better way to get more protein than with some beans and veggies? This is a great meat-free dish...paired with organic bread and some sun-brewed tea makes a satisfying meal.  Another B-Fitt! exclusive recipe...share with family and friends.
1- 15 oz. can organic black beans
1 - 15 oz. can organic garbanzo beans
1/2 small can sliced ripe olives
1 large organic Roma tomato
2 stalks organic celery
1/2 small organic onion
1/2 organic green pepper
1/3 organic cucumber (burpless variety)
1 Tablespoon raw organic chia seeds
Additional seasonings to taste: pepper, dill weed, Braggs Organic Herb Sprinkles
Rinse and drain beans and olives.  Cut tomatoes, celery, onion, green pepper and cucumber into small pieces.  Add all ingredients along with seasonings and stir well.  (Note: you can leave the seeds in the tomatoes...good source of lycopene) Refrigerate several hours and serve cold.  Enjoy!

Friday, July 3, 2015

The Trickle Down Effect - Reaping What You Sow

Because of my interest and background in nutrition, I see it a lot.  Because of my personal trainer certification, I realize even so much more.  Sad thing is, most people don't get it.  I think of how we ate when I was a kid.  We did probably better than most.  My mom cooked from scratch, we always had a nice garden...yet we ate refined white sugar and refined white flour.  That was what we had back then, and we didn't know the dangers of these nutrient deficient foods or the health issues they cause...I guess in some ways ignorance was bliss.  Fast forward to 21st Century America where everything is 'out there' now.  Issues that were kept in the dark are now commercials on tv.  We really have no excuse to not be 'in the know' on our health or nutrition related facts.  Unfortunately, this is not the case.  Even working for a third party health insurance provider, it amazes me (in a bad way), that most people really don't care to look after their health.  They smoke, drink soda pop, eat fast food, eat deep fried foods, drink way too much alcohol, don't exercise, are overweight...etc...on and on.  This really concerns me, and it deeply grieves me, because I care about these things.
I had health issues that became beyond my control last year.  Mainly female related ones that I come to find out I was providing fuel for the fire for  through my poor diet...I was feeding the problem...literally.  Because of that, I know I came really close to being hospitalized...but I sprung into action and worked frantically to turn it around and bring balance back to my body.  To say this was a challenge would be an understatement! I struggled...and it fought back...but I was determined I was going to win, and I did.  When I speak of these things, it is on a very personal level with me.  Perhaps some would say I'm being mean.  No, I'm not.  I've become very passionate about is my get the word get people to make positive move in a direction of being 'well'.
You might think you're 'ok' right now...nothing wrong...I'm functioning fine.  But oh, look out...beware...things can change and change drastically overnight.  What you don't see and don't feel going on inside of you can suddenly push its way out.  I don't need to research anything to write this blog today...the words just flow from my fingertips.  It's's time for me to write this.  It's much needed.  I get frustrated when I see people taking their health for granted. But when I get on someone about it, it is out of care and concern.  Even more disturbing is most people don't make the connection.  It's not just one or two things that set up a chain's pretty much everything.  It's what I call the 'trickle down effect'.  And believe me, you will reap what you's just a matter of time before it all catches up. I can not say it enough....nutrition IS your first line of defense.
As an adult you are responsible for your personal health.  It's not your doctor's responsibility to do it....believe me, they need you to not be well...that's what makes them money...but I won't go there now...that's a whole other blog.  First thing you need is radical diet changes.  I chose to do this last year...and cold turkey is the best way...that way you don't keep teasing your system with junk it doesn't need.  No refined white sugar, no refined white flour, no soda pop, no junk food, no fast food, no deep fried food, extreme limitation of alcohol...which really wasn't a problem with me.  Gone.  I hadn't drank pop in over six that wasn't a concern.  How much exercise do you get? Walking to the refrigerator and doing elbow bends from your plate to your mouth with a fork don't count.  I'm talking aerobic, oxygen building exercise and strength training.  What is your BMI? Do you even know what that is? It's body mass index, it is a calculation of height and current weight that determines your percentage of body fat...and over 30% is considered overweight.  Really, I think that percentage is a little high.  Granted being 'slim' is not an indicator of good health, but being overweight/obese IS bad for your health! There is nothing healthy about it! I've been there, done that! Many years ago, I rocked that at 32% BMI, which is considered obese.  I'm now at 22%, putting me in the normal range.  I feel SO much better.  It is amazing what the right changes will do.
Not sure what you need to do? Please read the articles in my blog...this will give you a good start and get you on your way.  I cannot do this part for you. Evaluate your current diet and exercise.  Write it down so you can review it...track your food intake on paper...everything...every bite that goes in your mouth.  Be honest with it, otherwise you only hurt yourself.  Get with a nutritionist, a personal trainer and get on track with getting your health where it needs to doesn't get any easier as you age. I could go on and on with this, but for now, I've said enough.  There is a lot to it, but you have to take the first step, otherwise you can't move forward. If you have questions, email me....  I would love you help means a lot to me.  I put 'personal' in personal training! Best always.