Sunday, November 30, 2014

Bringing Up The Rear ....Delts That Is!

My shoulders are fast becoming one of my favorite muscle groups to work on at the gym.  Perhaps in part because I've finally lost enough body fat that the muscle definition is beginning to show in this area, and also I focus on it twice a week along with other muscle groups in workouts. This muscle actually consists of three small muscles, the anterior (front - red in picture below), the medial (middle - green in the picture below) and the posterior (rear - blue in the picture below).  The use of light weights and high repetitions are recommended to yield the best results.
There are many exercises, both machine and free weights that are beneficial in building this area.  Typically the anterior delt gets more attention, as 'pressing' exercises work this one....bench press and overhead press are two examples.  Attention to the rear muscle is important so the development is not out of balance, if that happens, then the over development of the anterior delt will pull your shoulders forward...not a pretty picture.  Personally, I really like the exercises that hit the posterior delt....which is typically any of the rowing movements...machine or free weight.  
Other posterior exercises would include: bent over lateral raise (*), seated or standing lateral raise, lateral raise on an incline and/or flat bench, rubber band reverse flyes (good resistance exercise), face pulls, one arm dumbbell rows (bent over), standing cable reverse flyes (*), and several others.  You can use a search engine to bring up videos and visuals on performing these movements if you are not familiar with them. (* signifies single joint exercise - do 8 to 10 reps, not too heavy on the weight, and take each set to muscle failure for best results)
I think most of us would agree that when lifting weights, we like to get the most bang for our exercise buck....that being said, back exercises followed by rear delt exercises will accomplish this.  The rear muscle can typically be isolated with machines, cables and dumbbells. Unilateral (one arm) versions allow for greater range of motion and intensity.  Don't allow momentum to get carried away...focus on form....sloppy doesn't get it.  Each time you work your delts (or any muscle group for that matter), reverse the sequence....if you work anterior first, next time work them last.  When your energy levels are highest, whichever delt head you work first will improve the fastest.
This muscle group, I think is very attractive when it's in shape....even and especially for gals, as 'jell-o' arms are unattractive.  I do not have the genetics to develop large or bulky muscles anywhere on my body, but seeing shapely arms, I think is very sexy.  It's easy to ignore this area, especially for women and in the cooler months when we wear long sleeves, but it is also, in my opinion not that difficult to get response here.  Paired with the biceps and triceps in the same condition, it is definitely a body part that you'll love to show off during those warmer months! Start now, it's a goal you can certainly reach.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Fed Up?

Well, it seems appropriate to blog about this today...(on Thanksgiving) a day that typically, at least here in America is filled with overeating and inactivity....two habits that are wrecking havoc upon this 'great' Country. There is a documentary titled 'Fed Up' that was released this year, which 'presents an analysis of our modern food production system from the Green Revolution to the Biotech Revolution and what we can do about it'. The trailer came across my newsfeed on FaceBook a month or so ago...and I was captured by its content, which caused me to rent it on my Kindle.  I viewed it twice, and I'm considering purchasing it, as I feel it is a useful tool, necessary to convince people to make healthy lifestyle changes.  This will be a lengthy blog, as I feel much is needed to be said regarding nutrition, so I hope you will read it in its entirety, and it will cause you to consider making some changes in your own diet. I'm not trying to take away the fun in your I see nothing enjoyable about illness/disease. Eating right is an interesting, tasteful I'd like for you to experience.
Overall, I felt 'Fed Up' was very informative and at times an eye-opening story, as there were numerous facts and statistics I was not privy to, and believe me, I do a lot of reading and research in the area of nutrition and health, human and canine.  To say we as a Country have a problem, would be a gross understatement. Worse yet is the seemingly overall ignorance that has brought about a supposedly 'educated' society to become brainwashed into believing nutrition isn't a serious consideration in everyday life.  The statistics are 2050 it is estimated that one in three Americans will have diabetes.  It is becoming common place for children to now be developing type 2 diabetes....this is adult onset diabetes! This was unheard of back in 1980!  The junk food industry as a whole....from soda pop to fast food restaurants have fueled a frenzy that continues to spin out of control.  It was said in this documentary, that 'if a foreign nation were doing that to our children, we would defend our families'.  Sad to say, we seem to be passive in this manner.
I have spent the last 30 or so years of my life studying in the areas of nutrition and exercise.  However, I didn't always choose what was right or best for me...and I began 'paying' for that here in the last five years...and it has been quite a challenge to regain balance.  I do not say these things to be mean or insensitive....I've been there and done I am saying it because I have experienced it...I know where you are, because I myself have dealt with overweight and illness due to careless nutritional habits.  It is no laughing matter, and should at no point be taken lightly.  You may think everything is 'ok', but I dare say, underneath it all....99.9% chance there is something awry, and you just aren't aware of it yet. Overweight and obesity are serious problems today.  As a child growing up in the late 60's and 70's....I didn't see an overweight child until I was in the 4th grade, and I had a male classmate that was 'chunky'.  A BMI (body mass index), which is a measurement of body fat based on height and weight of 25 to 29.9 is considered overweight, and a BMI of 30 to 34.99 is considered obese.   Check yours here:
There are many things I have discovered in my pursuit of a healthy lifestyle, and one aspect of that is that people get really sensitive and defensive of their eating habits.  I try to be understanding, non-judgmental and respectful of their right to their own opinions.  I am willing to meet you where you are, but I'm not going to leave you there, because most likely, where you are is not a good place, and not where you need to be for good health. It is my desire, my goal to help as many people as possible to develop a proper mindset. This comes from a deeply caring heart on my part.  I shed tears, literally over people with weight problems....people I don't even know! Just looking at someone who is overweight troubles my mind...I want to help them, because I truly feel they don't want to be that way.  It bothers me that much.  This is why I got involved in personal training, and why I continue to pursue nutrition education.  The more I learn, the more I find I have/need to learn.
Just a year ago my health had deteriorated to a point that I was ready to 'throw in the towel'. This still brings tears to my eyes and is emotional for me to talk about, because this is just not me. I was so exhausted physically from anemia that I didn't want to do anything, and just the bare minimum was a challenge.  Waking up from a night's sleep tired...going through my day wore out, then going to bed exhausted, just to wake up and do it all again was what it had come to.  There were many factors that brought it to that point, but it all came down to that ever important first line of defense...nutrition.  I was 'feeding' illness and 'starving' my health, because of careless food choices. I was also carrying around excess weight.  I recently found out that I am 'estrogen dominant', which now explains a lot of the out of control problems which arose due to this.  The internal condition has been the underlying issue for many of my health woes over this past half decade....unaware of its capabilities, those times when I was not practicing proper nutrition, I was building an internal environment that would one day explode, and believe me, when it was unleashed, it was not a pretty picture!
Back to the documentary...our problem as a 21st century society is described as 'a terror from within' and a 'great public health epidemic'.  Interesting to know that since 1977, sugar consumption has doubled.  There are 600,000 food items at the grocery, 80% have added sugar.  Junk is still junk even if it's less junky.  Make no mistake, these industries are in business to make is not in their best interest to make or keep you healthy....personally, I think that should be offensive to is to me! Americans need to wake up and realize, it is YOUR personal responsibility to take care of yourself. I can give you guidance and information, but I cannot eat for you or exercise for you.  President Clinton was interviewed in this documentary, and he said that we are 'insufficiently alert' when it comes to our daily food selections.  I think that statement hit the nail on the head.
We face more disease and physical problems than at any other time in our history, and all at a much younger age.  Yes, people live longer...but they live in quantity, not quality of life.  Our hospitals and nursing homes are overflowing with not only elderly folks, but patients in their 30's, 40's, 50's and 60's that are in ill health, all unable to care for themselves, I believe due in large part to careless lifestyle. It is apparent to me that eating lard, red meat and fatty, sugary desserts made with refined sugar and breads with refined flours has led to one thing...when you push it with your health, one day it's going to shove back.  I've experienced it personally.  There is something terribly wrong with the picture when I have more concern over your health than you do, but it won't keep me from caring about you.
There is much more I could say about the health/nutrition connection, as it certainly cannot all be covered in one blog.  I've made some amazing changes in my health this year, the improvement has been beyond what I could have ever imagined. I continue to strive toward a positive direction, and yes, even with all I have done, I know there is still more I could do, and I work toward that.  I'm not perfect, never have been, never will be, but that should not hold me back from making the right choices and improving my health.  I can only hope that I have reversed the issues and will not suffer anymore consequences from the poor choices....but that remains to be seen. I hope you will seriously review your diet, and make necessary changes.  At this point, I will not turn back, as that would mean there was some part of 'lifestyle change' that I didn't understand and I would lose sight of why I did this in the first place.  The human body is an amazing can take a lot of abuse...but it also will get to a point of no return.  It took me nearly half a century to learn right....please, don't make that mistake....learn from mine.  I hope after reading this you are now 'fed up'. I've finally got it...I hope you will too! My stance in this area doesn't make me popular, but I won't back down. Remember, living 'well' is the best revenge!

Friday, November 21, 2014

Nita's One Cup Trail Mix

I love trail mix....usually it's more challenging to find organic (or mostly organic) I decided to make my own.  I don't have 100% organic ingredients in this, but I did pretty well.  Please though, every ingredient you can, buy organic if possible (OIP).  Enjoy as a great snack!

This is really easy! Gotta love that! One cup of each of the following:
Raw walnuts (OIP)
Sliced Almonds (OIP)
Raw Pumpkin Seeds (OIP)
Raw Sunflower Seeds (OIP)
Unsweetened Flaked Coconut (OIP)
Dried Apricots (OIP)
Organic Dried Cranberries
Organic Raisins
Organic Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips
Date pieces (optional, not in this recipe...OIP)
Pine nuts (optional, not in this recipe...OIP)
Mix all ingredients in a big bowl.  If raisins are large, cut in half.  Cut dried apricots into quarter size pieces.  Store in a sealed glass bowl or large plastic baggie in a dry area, away from direct light (or you can also refrigerate)

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Keep Motivated Through The Cold Months

Well, I'm still disappointed that there wasn't a 'real' Summer here in the Midwest, but I guess that is beyond discussing at this point.  Unfortunately, I think Fall has passed us by and Winter is upon us,  as the cold we are experiencing right now in the Midwest isn't typical until mid-January or so.  The double whammy in this all is, the holiday season is fast approaching...a time when many people indulge in an array of foods and snacks on a consistent basis, and also a period when people are even less active than they are during the warmer months.
So, if you have been successful as I have in ridding yourself of the unwanted pounds over the last six months or so, you need to set a plan in place that all this work will not be undone in the next 3-4 months.  Now is the time to put it all together.  I have already been on this for myself about a month ago.  If you are still looking to losing a little, which can be a challenge this time of year, then you will need to practice extra diligence and discipline to achieve this.  It's not impossible, but will definitely take a strong mindset to achieve it.  It's mainly important at this point to maintain where you are and not gain.
So, where do you start? Well, it's good to look ahead at the new year when many folks write down resolutions.  However, that being said....I think 'resolving' to change bad habits should be an ongoing pursuit through the entire year. But, let us for now look at just the next few months....breaking it down to being specific and not get overwhelmed.  Most people have cell phones, and many of those devices have apps available which can be utilized in keeping you organized.  You can also download other helpful apps, such as 'My Fitness Pal' and different ones that will count calories and carbs.  These are free or available for a small one-time fee.
First off, I find it important to mention water consumption.  This valuable, life-giving nutrient is not only needed when it's hot outside and you sweat a lot, it is necessary during the winter because the air is drier due to lower humidity this time of year.  Proper hydration will enable your skin and nasal membranes to stay moist.  You can always drink it warm/hot and add some fresh lemon/lime to it.  Also, herbal teas count as water consumption due to their medicinal benefits and no caffeine (which can dehydrate you).  The addition of these to your daily intake will also help to keep you warm, as will dressing in several light layers of clothing.
I have utilized my 'Richnote' app on my Smart Phone to keep all kinds of lists from grocery shopping necessities to 'to do's', blog ideas, things I need to buy, my target heart rate info and protein intake numbers.  My 'Calendar' app is a great way to bring organization to my crazy busy lifestyle.  I have set certain dates to remind me how many days there are until Spring, which will help keep me on track with my goals over the next several months.  Since I am not fond of cold weather, this will allow me to look ahead and put my focus on what I want to accomplish by that time.  I'm also 'old school' in that I like to have written records.  This book I have is more like a journal, it has a hard back and a stretch band to keep it closed.  I write information in it that I want to retain on a more permanent basis.  I have a page with my '2014/2015 Fitness Goals', and my start and end date for accomplishing this (which is 10/19/14 thru 3/21/15).  That's 22 weeks and 154 days, which has now whittled down to 126 days, and I'm doing pretty good.  This allows me to track where I am now, and what I need to do to maintain and reach my short-term goals for this time period.
Knowing that I won't be doing as much manual labor in my yard, or walking in the morning at work on my a.m. break, I need to add at least 15 minutes to each of my gym workouts to make up for this.  Plan for that accordingly, as this will keep you on track.  Refer back to it daily.  Also calorie consumption needs to be reviewed.  This time of year lends itself to craving comfort foods, which many times are highly caloric and contain unhealthy fats.  Preparing healthy foods in advance for a week of lunches, such as soup made with lots of veggies, beans (black, garbanzo, etc) and quinoa can be paired with salad or even a healthy sandwich like tuna or veggie and cheese.
Lastly.....MOVE! Move your body! It is a dynamic machine! With 206 bones and nearly 850 or so muscles it was meant for motion! Don't let the cold keep you on the couch. Clean your house, bundle up and go for a walk....take it inside and workout at the gym.  Also, prepare for the really bad weather by having enough equipment at home that you can have a good workout if you can't get out to the gym due to bad roads.  It doesn't take a lot...a good exercise mat for floor exercises like planks, and some free weights (5, 10 and 15#'s), resistance bands, and a few aerobic DVD's will get you thru an evening at home and keep you moving forward in your fitness routine.  Don't let excuses slip in and rule the roost.  You can do this.  I have confidence in you! We will get thru this and on the other side, Spring will burst forth and you will be like a caterpillar emerging from its will be glad you stuck with it, and can proudly display a body that won out! Be healthy this season....after 'well' is the best revenge!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Co-Co-Nutty Sweet Taters (Recipe)

1 Tablespoon Organic Coconut Oil
3 Tablespoons Organic Coconut Palm Sugar
1/2 teaspoon Organic Cinnamon
1 small organic sweet potato
If coconut oil is not in liquid form, melt it in a toaster oven in a small glass dish on a low temperature or on top of the stove in a glass bowl placed in hot water.  Allow it to cool, but don't let it become solid again.  Pour into a zip lock sandwich bag along with the palm sugar and cinnamon.  Peel sweet potato and cut off about 1/4" of each end.  Slice potato into pieces about 1/4" thick.  Place in bag, close it and move potato pieces around to coat it with the mixture.  Pour into a single layer on a small baking pan and place in a toaster over at about 350 degrees.  Watch carefully to make sure sugar doesn't start to burn.  Bake until potatoes are soft.  The sugar mixture will get almost candy-like....this helps make this wonderful side dish even more delicious! This makes one serving.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Journal Thoughts 11/1/14 - Developing Healthy Habits

It's sad to me to conclude through personal observation that there are still so many people who are content with being spectators instead of active participants when it comes to their health.  As long as it appears everything is ok, then they remain passive. They continue in their ways, doing what they have always done.  What is even sadder is when tragedy strikes and they don't understand why this all of a sudden happened to them. Is this you perhaps or someone you know?  Fact is, majority of these problems don't 'just happen'....they have been in the process of happening for sometime.
I have long been amazed at what a marvelous machine the human body is, and even more so astounded at the amount of outright abuse it absorbs. However, there comes a time....a breaking point....overload.  When this occurs it can be devastating, depending on what happens.  The outcome can differ due to many factors.  Some people don't make it through, others are never the same after. This grieves me, as it is so unnecessary.  I have certainly had my share of health issues.  It took me about three decades to finally 'get it'. That turning point has proven to be one of the best things for me.  I don't regret it, and I have no plans of turning back.
One of the first things I did was get the refined white flour and refined white sugar (aka: poison) out of my diet.  I made some radical changes in my eating habits...and did it cold turkey! No messing around with removing it over time...I'd had it long enough.  It was time for it to go!  It can be done, but you have to want it...really, really want it.  It has to become so routine that it is a lifestyle.  Bad eating habits can be the downfall of good health.  You are what you eat. Junk food, fast food, overly processed foods are an everyday choice for so many.  How does all that make you feel? My educated guess would tell me that it makes you feel pretty crappy most of the time.  You probably don't notice it anymore because it's been around so long, you don't know what feeling good really feels like!
It's not about depriving yourself.  It's about fueling your body properly so it runs like the smooth operating machine it was made to be.  Choose your snacking wisely...veggies, nuts and seeds should be a daily part of your diet.  Healthy fat choices such as avocado and olive oil should be in wide use in your kitchen.  Dark leafy greens like kale, romaine and spinach should be consumed at least once a day.  Oatmeal is a great breakfast choice, topped with apples, cranberries, coconut, cinnamon and nutmeg is a flavor party for the mouth.  Organic produce should be selected as often as possible.  There is simply no wiggle room when it comes to eating right, you can't afford it.  Perhaps it seems extreme to say all or nothing, but believe me, nutrition is your first line of defense.  Careless eating choices and habits will catch up to you.  Don't wait until the point of no return...get on top of it now.  It will be a decision you will never regret making.  Live well...after all, being well is the best revenge!