Sunday, July 29, 2012

Whole Foods - The Importance Of

It's evident we're a society of convenience.  As if 'yesterday' weren't soon enough, we want it now! Those yesteryear's of spending the day cooking in the kitchen and sitting down to a family meal around the dinner table have become a thing of the past.  It's sad really, because those are some of my fondest childhood memories.  Maybe they seemed to be 'good' because we were rather ignorant of food nutrients back then.  Cholesterol, what was that?
Times have certainly changed, and we now have no excuse of not being an informed people, however, most of us are still clinging to the ignorance, perhaps because some of us just never bothered to look at food labels to read what we were getting.
In 1990, the Nutrition Labeling and Education Act was passed, and this law is what began to guide Americans to become educated and more in charge of their own health.  No longer were you 'left in the dark' about ingredients in the foods you were purchasing. 
Because the field of nutrition is ever changing, it can become overwhelming and complicated to try to keep up with it.  One day you hear something is bad for you, the next day, not so. 
Grocery store shelves are loaded with processed junk.  It's convenient, so we buy it.  Fresh has gotten lost in the mix.  We tend to flock to the center of the store when we should be shopping the perimeter where the better food choices reside.  Whole foods are advancing in popularity as health issues are gaining more 'air time' on the news.  Diseases such as diabetes, high cholesterol, and cancer are rampant.  We need to realize what we eat directly connects to disease in our bodies.  It is necessary to radically change our diets to what our bodies need, not what is convenient.  Our lives are filled with running here and there, and we just don't slow down...our food choices reflect that, and it has got to change, or we will continue to see an increase in nutrition related disease and illness.  We are a society of food abundance, yet we are malnourished.  We must reverse this trend!
Even our supplements, which have gained popularity over the past couple of decades are lacking.  We buy something off the shelf without knowing if it is complete, just hoping it will cover our nutritional deficiencies.  Let me tell you, I'm starting to learn that since I took my nutrition course back in the early 90's, a lot has changed in the supplement world.  The majority of supplements on the market are just fractions of vitamins, not complete complexes like those found in whole foods.  So where we think we are making up for deficiencies, we are actually adding to them!  Perhaps you may think all is well now...but on down the line you may find out different...then you have something to deal with and turning it around may not be a possibility.
I will be writing many more blogs about whole foods and supplements, as it is very important for our health.  Not only for us, but for our furry companions as well.  Please check out my other blog regarding canine health and nutrition at:
It's the 21st Century...we are very technologically advanced, we should also be very educated and in charge of our own health...nobody else can do it for you.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Learning The Basics About Protein

As published in the Flyer March 31, 1997

There are two types of protein; the kind found in animal products and those found in vegetable foods.  The RDA for the average size adult is about 50 grams.
Many studies have been conducted on the affects of these proteins in relation to heart disease and certain types of cancer.  Red meats are high in protein, but are also a large contributor of fat, especially the saturated kind, which in turn affects cholesterol levels in the blood.  A good reason to consider meatless alternatives is that soybeans, legumes and tofu offer excellent protein content without all the 'bad' fat.
One (1) cup on legumes contains 13 grams of protein and 1 gram of fat (about .3 of it saturated)  A typical serving of red meat, about 4 ounces, contains 28 grams of protein with 24 grams of fat attached to it (almost 10 of them saturated!)
There is a lot of misinformation around about protein in the diet.  It seems a high-protein diet is almost the 'in' thing to do.  Be careful, practice moderation on protein consumption as high protein intake can present health risks.  Too much protein in the diet ranks up there with too much fat and sodium in our diets.
So, how much protein should you be getting? Use the following calculations to determine your correct range: take your current body weight and convert it to kilograms (pounds divided by 2.2 equals kilograms), multiply kilograms by 0.8 to get your RDA in grams per day.  Males 18 years old and younger, multiply by 0.9.
Protein can be found in varying amounts in legumes, nuts, whole grains, vegetables, eggs and milk products.
Remember, more is not better when it comes to protein.  Balance the foods in your diet, add variety, practice moderation and drink plenty of clear water every day.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Don't Overlook the Importance of Aerobic Exercise

Make sure when you set up an exercise program that you include aerobics in the's very important.  It will warm up your muscles and increase your heart rate, preparing you for the rest of your workout.
There are many options you can chose from that will fit in with your personal schedule and physical ability.  Walking, running, elliptical, tread mill, stair step.  I really like the elliptical, as it really burns the calories in a shorter period of time.
Leslie Sansone has a great selection of in-home walking DVD's.  I've used them for many years.  These are particularly good for slimming up your legs and providing overall fat loss.
It doesn't require an hour to reap rewards from aerobic exercise.  You can warm up in 10 minutes, you can burn calories and get a good exercise in 20 minutes.
If you are not interested in lifting weights, that's ok.  The great thing about exercise is, it is very versatile.  Do what works best for you...just keep it going so you get results.  I think some people give up too soon.  Be patient.
Also, don't forget to stretch and cool down at the end of your exercise, so you can bring your heart rate back down to a resting point.
Know that each time you choose to exercise, you do something that is healthy for your body.  Keep it up, and you won't be disappointed.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Protein Shake

I love the EatSmart total nutrition shake that iSatori has.  My favorite is the Strawberry Cheesecake.  I use a scoop of it after a workout....put in blender with about 6 oz. whole milk (I prefer organic), you can add ice, some frozen blueberries or frozen banana, blend, pour, enjoy!
Check out their website listed on my favorite websites on this blog and view all the flavors of this shake they have and other supplements they have available.

A Quick Word About Carbs and Proteins

I will definitely be blogging more about carbohydrates (carbs) and protein.
Please check out my suggested reading and my favorite websites.  I just added Arrowhead Mills.  Their products are great! They're organic...they're good food...especially before a workout.  I like the Kamut Puffs...a bowl before a workout gives me fuel for the workout...then a protein drink/shake afterwards. (You don't want to eat a lot of food before working out, because your body will be putting its energy toward something light about an hour before your workout). I will add a link to one of my favorite protein powders with some suggestions for preparing.
Just remember, carbs before, for fuel...protein after to help repair muscles.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Counter-Top Push Ups

This is one of my favorite exercises...I struggle with the traditional floor push-ups, and this one seems to be just as effective.
As the name of the exercise states, you can do these by leaning with your hands on a counter-top (I actually stand in front of the kitchen sink).
Place your hands about shoulder width apart on the counter with your elbows facing outward. (Your fingers will be facing each other).  Stand far enough away from the counter that your arms are straight, you will be 'leaning' on the counter-top.  Place your feet about hip width apart.  Inhale, contract abdominal muscles and lean toward the counter-top, just as if you were doing a push up from the floor.  Lean far enough that your elbows push out to a 90 degree angle.  Exhale and push yourself back.  I repeat these about 15 times and do two sets.  By having your elbows facing out, you will really feel the pull in your muscles across the top of your chest.  You can also perform push ups similar to this using a Smith Machine.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Using Your Body Weight To Do Exercises

There are many exercises you can do using your own body weight as resistance.  One of these is the Body Weight Stationary Lunge.
This is especially good for persons new to doing lunge the lunge is a very versatile exercise, in that you can lunge forward, sideways and backwards.  This particular one focuses on lunging forward.   This exercise works hip extensors...the glutes, hamstrings and hip adductors, and also the knee extensors...the quadriceps.
Position legs in a lunge position with the lead leg far enough out to allow for desired range of motion (legs will resemble a 'V' shape).  Keep back in proper alignment and straighten the back knee and lean forward.  Placing each hand on the side of your hip, inhale and allow the trunk to come forward and down until you feel a good stretch down the back of leg muscles.  Only lean forward a far as is comfortable for you.  Make sure to keep the forward knee aligned straight with the toes, and keep the trunk aligned with the back leg.  Hold, and slowly begin to exhale and press your body back up to the starting position. Repeat on each leg for as many repetitions/sets as you are able.  You can alternate legs or do them all on one side at one chose which works best for you.
This exercise does not require any special equipment to perform, however, if you have the availability of a step board (used in aerobics), you can tilt the board by placing the supports on just one side.  This will add extra resistance and make the exercise a little more difficult.
Remember to always check with your doctor before beginning a new exercise program, and always use slow and in controlled motions so you do not hurt your muscles.  Warm up and cool down, and drink plenty of water to stay properly hydrated.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Posture Perfect

It really is true that standing up straight can make you look thinner.  It also makes you feel better, and allows your internal organs to 'breathe' properly.

So stand up, roll both shoulders backwards and stop when you get to where you feel a slight stretch across your chest.  Now, pull your abdominal muscles in, but don't forget to breathe...this is possible to do with a little bit of practice.  Contracting your stomach muscles won't make a bulging tummy go away, but it can help tone as you lose weight.  Ok, don't forget to hold your head up...don't be slumping down and forward.  Now walk across the floor...don't hold your breath.  Doesn't that feel nice? Make it a habit, you'll look taller and slimmer and feel better to boot!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Maintaining a Positive Attitude

So much of eating right and exercising is a mind-set.  The main part of the battle will be in your head...keep that in mind as you face each new day.  That's why it is so important to plan ahead. Anticipate issues that may arise and have a battle plan mapped out to avoid disasters.  But, also realize, there may be a time when you lose a battle, for whatever reason...but don't give up....the war isn't over!  You're in it for the long haul...this is a lifestyle'll experience valley moments and be down...but hopefully it will be the moutaintop experiences that keep you up!
Buy, prepare and plan your day, your week.  Understand the importance of what you are doing.  I'm sure I don't have to tell you, there will be those who will be jealous of your endeavour, and will try everything possible to get you off track.  Consider the source of these individuals, and well by being healthy is the best revenge! :-)
You're obtaining something they'd like to have, but they're not willing to do what is necessary to get their plan is to sabotage your efforts.  I've been around such people, and have worked with a few.
Keep positive thoughts going in your head, and review each day's success in your mind.  Write it on paper, so you can have it handy when you're having a rough day. Most results will be small ones, but that's moving forward in the right direction.
Don't become obsessed by weighing on the scale or taking body measurements.  Weigh once a week, and measure once a month.  The results will be greater, and it gives you something to look forward to.
I will be adding directions to some of my favorite exercises in coming blogs...I hope you'll try them out...and know that I'm here to help, guide, assist and encourage.  The battlelines have been drawn...and the outcome is victory....stick to it...don't give up, you can do it!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Getting Prepared, Being Prepared

In comparison, the exercising is almost easier than the nutrition part when it comes to getting it all together to make a weight loss and exercise plan successful.
If it's been awhile since you ate properly, or you never really have eaten right...then it's going to take some time.  You'll have to determine what fruits and veggies you like....consider what you'll fix for the week...make your list....go shopping...and then there's the rinsing...cutting...chopping...and storing all these fresh foods. (Note: don't buy more perishable items than you can eat in a few days...otherwise they will go bad, and you've wasted your money)  If you purchase single pieces of fruit, you'll have more may cost a little more, but you haven't saved anything if you buy a bag of fruit and can't eat it all because it goes bad.
I do my grocery shopping on Sunday.  Then when I come home and I'm putting stuff away...I have time in the afternoon (might want to allow about an hour, depending on what you've purchased), so I can do all the prep work...then I don't have to do that during the week when my time is more tight.  You use whatever time frame fits your personal schedule.  If you don't prepare the foods right away, you're less apt to eat them, because you might not be able to find the time later to fix them up.  If they're all ready, you have no excuse!
I purchase boneless, skinless chicken breast in the family pack when they're on sale.  They're thick enough, that I take a sharp knife and slice them down the middle the long (thick) way...and package them in individual sandwich bags and stick them in a freezer bag with my date of purchase on the outside of the bag, then freeze them.  Then I have a single serving ready for when I need it.  Makes it easier, and it cooks quicker not being so thick, and gives you the right size of meat for a serving.
Really once you get used to it, it's not that bad.  I marvel at the array of colors  before me.  One challege you can try...and it is a challenge...see if you can eat six different colors of fruits and vegetables every day...may not sound difficult...but see how you fare! Make it fun....change things up....experiment....use herbs and don't want your eating plan to go down the tubes because it has no flavor! And you don't want to lose interest because you become bored. 
Once you get in the habit of eating good for you food, you'll want it over the junk least 99.99999% of the time!
I consider myself a down-to-earth type of person.  I'm not perfect, and I don't expect it from others.  We're human...hopefully we act like it...especially toward others. If I expected or demanded that you be on the mark 100% of the time, then I'd come across as harsh and insensitive...and a hypocrite!  Life happens, and at times our day does not go as planned.  You do have to be flexible...plan for that...and be forgiving...not only toward others, but to yourself.
If your weight loss journey is a long road...understand that and be patient for results...sticking to it and not giving up will yield success.  Planning ahead and being prepared makes the road a little less bumpy! Appreciate the changes you are making...maintain a positive attitude, and don't fall apart when occasionally something doesn't go the way you intended.  Don't sweat the small stuff.  Oh, and by the way, I hear it's all small stuff! :-)

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Dealing With Food Temptations

We all have a weakness....even if we won't admit it or acknowledge it.  Mine is sugar...refined sugar...the really bad for you stuff.  Maybe your vice is something else....maybe it's not all that bad for you, maybe it's worse than mine.
Sometimes the fight proves to be too much.  I've experienced this numerous times over my adult life.  I really think my issue goes back to having sweets carefully monitored by a mom who tightly limited its consumption.  Whatever the reason, I continue to struggle with it.  Even though I have a lengthy, strong background in nutrition and personal trainer certification, I am still human.
So, what do you do when you become overwhelmed by the temptation? You can ignore it...that may help for a little while, but probably won't last long.  Once I make up my's hard to get over it.  So, from rare time to rare time...I just have to give in to it.  So, I can go out and buy $10 worth of candy...and when I get home and start eating it...a piece here, a piece there...a couple more pieces....and then I find as much as I was craving it, it's not really that I end up not eating that much...and I'm done with it! Hmmm....that wasn't so bad.  Maybe it was really that I just wanted to know I could have it, and then when I didn't take so much...I may have thought I would just go crazy over it...and I didn't.
It's okay to allow something from time to time...just don't make it a habit...then it's not a treat.  An occasional 'no-no' food is allowable.  When you make proper choices 99.99999999% of the time, you won't blow it when you 'fall off the wagon' so to speak.
What my weakness proves to me, is that I can satisfy a craving and not go overboard.  Stay in control, make wise food choices, exercise regularly and you will be far ahead of most other people...and you'll realize you are still human! It's okay.

Don't Skip Breakfast

I've heard so many people over the years tell me they don't eat breakfast. I don't understand that, because breakfast is my favorite meal of the day! There are many times I eat 'breakfast foods' for dinner!
The word breakfast can be broken down into two words....'break'....and 'fast' are actually breaking a fast that you've had overnight while sleeping...your body has gone most likely anywhere from 10 to 12 hours from the last time you in a manner of speaking, you're body was fasting.
Breakfast really is an important part to the start of your day.  You need to fuel your body to get your day started.  However, it needs to be proper fuel.  Soda pop and a donut is not the right kind of energy source to start your day.
It may be a little hard at first if you're not used to eating breakfast....but there are so many yummy choices.....a whole grain waffle with some fruit spread or fresh fruit.  A whole grain bagel with cream cheese....cooked egg whites with fresh veggies and herbs....whole grain toast....fresh fruit....a bowl of organic raisin bran.  All of these help to rev up your morning metabolism and give you necessary energy for the rest of the morning.
Starting your day off on the right foot with a good breakfast sets you up to make proper food choices for the rest of the day.  Don't forget to pack those healthy snacks to keep blood sugar levels up...nuts, yogurt, fresh fruit, organic cheese, whole grain crackers.
Once you get used to doing this, you'll wonder how you ever didn't do it.  Determination and commitment to proper eating will pay off.  You will feel better, have more energy and maintain a healthy weight.  Because of this you will increase your willpower to not want those foods that tempt you brought in by co-workers.  My attitude about that is not a negative telling myself, 'I can't have that''s me saying, 'that's not for me'.  That thought has worked for me.  So much of it is a mindset.
I will post many more blogs to help guide you and encourage you.  Just as I said yesterday that nutrition is your first line of defense, it is also your lifeline.
You may struggle with it at first, but hang it there...the rewards are worth it!