Sunday, November 8, 2015

Soup-er Easy Black Bean Soup (Recipe)

Beans are a quick and easy go-to food....I love adding them to homemade soups. This recipe has just five ingredients.
1 carton organic vegetable broth
1 can organic diced tomatoes
1 can green beans
1 can organic black beans
8 oz. orzo (uncooked)

Rinse and drain black beans, drain green beans.  Put all ingredients in a large pan.  Heat until orzo is cooked. Season with fresh ground black pepper and Bragg Organic Sprinkle. Enjoy with hot, homemade bread and organic butter!

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Functional Fitness and Nutrition

There are approximately 640 skeletal muscles within the typical human, and 206 bones. We were meant to move...a lot! There are many kinds of exercise, however each type in some way benefits our bodies. It is important to train your muscles to work together so that daily tasks are performed in the best way possible.  By utilizing upper and lower muscles at the same time, functional fitness exercises also emphasize core stability.  Regular exercise not only benefits mind and body, it can help prevent serious disease.
Programs for such vary in intensity and there is no shortage of them on the Internet. Stability balls, kettlebell and even yoga can aid in getting your body into shape.  Of course, the first thing necessary is, you have to do it! Not just occasionally or on the weekend, but consistently. If you are not comfortable with the atmosphere of a gym, you can purchase equipment for home use at a reasonable cost.  And should you need assistance with the use of the products, there are personal trainers who can come to your home.  Should you venture into the gym and are unfamiliar with the use of the equipment, most gyms have personal trainers on staff who can give you an overview of proper use.
Along with exercise, diet needs to be addressed and brought in check. My nutritional philosophy is that of clean eating. How exactly that is defined depends on who you ask. Jack LaLanne, the godfather of fitness (1914-2011) consumed a mainly vegetarian diet with daily home juicing, so lots of fruits and vegetables, whole grains and occasionally some fish.  One of the most popular today by Tosca Reno includes lean red meat, poultry, fish, eggs, fruits and vegetables, and whole grains. It leans heavily on foods being prepared at home. Mine is similar to both, so most do not vary much. No refined white sugar or refined white flour, no junk food (potato chips, pop, etc.), no fast food, no deep fried food, rarely ever alcohol (maybe 4 oz. red wine a couple times a year). I prefer to prepare my own food that way I know what's in it. I rarely darken the doorstep of a restaurant door.
This may seem overwhelming, but it really is not.  It's simply getting back to eating the abundance of your food in its natural, whole, raw state.  Your taste buds will adapt, just have your focus and mindset where it needs to be and you will be successful. Have a strategy, map out a written plan with goals...short-term and long-term.  Be informed...educate yourself regarding your personal health/exercise needs.  Consider a moral support system. Place yourself around people who will encourage what you are doing, not those who are out to sabotage your efforts. There are several big holidays just around the corner that typically entail a lot of eating and snacking on foods that are not healthy. Overeating is a serious issue, and more so during the upcoming months. Do not let that deter you.  You don't have to wait for the new calendar year to turn over to have healthy eating habits and get in shape. One of my favorite sayings came from a quote I saw from Runner's World.  "If you think you can, you can.  If you think you can't, you're right."