Saturday, May 17, 2014

Range of Motion and Proper Form

There is a lot to exercising, and working out with weights needs to be done properly in order to reap the beneficial rewards of lean muscle.  I like to use a combination of machine weights and free weights, as each contribute to a balanced workout.  I am not able to lift as much with free weights, but I believe the workout is more intense.  The momentum that comes from the machines assist in lifting more and that gives me a sense of strength because many times I can easily lift twice the amount, if not more.

Range of motion entails the entire lift, from beginning to end, the complete movement.  There are certain joints that obviously offer greater mobility than others...that's how amazing the human body is!  In 'dividing' the body into planes of motion, you have the median plane, the frontal plane and the horizontal plane.  You will encounter flexion, extension, adduction, abduction, supination, pronation, elevation, depression and various rotations in a variety of exercises.  All of these are necessary in order to build your body to be in balance.  If you focus too much in one area, you will over-build it, and then the rest of your body will be lacking.  You don't want a lopsided appearance, it's not attractive!

I like to experiment with various angles in an exercise.  I like to think there is more than one way to do things...and sometimes I make up somewhat new exercises in doing that.  Just changing up the way an exercise is 'typically' done works the muscles from a different direction.  Keeping your routine not so routine will have your muscles wondering what you're doing next, and this allows for growth, and growth is good....yes, even for women!  Do you always put your feet on the calf machine straight up? Try turning your feet inward or outward and work them that way.  Also do just one leg at a will feel the difference right away.  Use a narrow grip then a wide grip on the back machines and see what a difference that can make.

It is important to remember throughout the execution of an particular exercise that you remain in control.  If you become sloppy, don't watch your breathing, pay no attention to your tempo, you won't have a clean workout.  Once you can no longer perform a repetition fully, you have exhausted the muscle, it is time for a rest.  I have found that using lower weights and doing about 12 to 15 reps seems to do the best at toning the muscle.  Twenty pounds may seem 'light' when you first start, but after 12-15 reps and 5 sets, you'll see that you're really getting a good workout.

I also push myself many times in order to build up strength, because along with that lean muscle, I want a little bit of 'bulk' I find a 'peak' on the bicep, a 'line' along my tricep and definition in my delts to be sexy....and what woman doesn't want that, truthfully? Maybe you don't want to work for it, but you'd like to have it.  Well, sorry about that, it just doesn't work that order to get it, you have do what is necessary to obtain it.  There's no quick fix and no easy road to fitness.  It takes dedication, commitment and sacrifice.  If you can't bring that to a fitness program, then this probably isn't for you.  I'm not trying to be pessimistic, I'm being realistic.  No pain, no gain....if you don't like to sweat, don't lift weights!

You also need to remember the importance of diet in your pursuit of a lean body.  If your foods aren't 'clean', you're wasting your time.  Take out the crap, like refined flours and sugars, fast and processed foods and give your body the proper fuel. You wouldn't put water in the gas tank of your car, so don't fill up your belly with junk! Lean meats (even a little bit of the red meat is acceptable), fruits (although not too many, as these are 'simple' carbs), veggies...especially dark green, leafy ones (watch how many of the starchy variety like peas, potatoes and corn that you consume), whole grains, organic dairy and healthy fats like avocado and extra virgin olive oil round out a proper eating program.

If you put all these things into practice that I have mentioned in this blog, you will lose weight, build muscle and improve your health.  It is certainly worth the time you invest...and what better utilization of your valuable time? You only get one body here on planet Earth....respect it and treat it right.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Back In The Saddle...Again!

Perhaps I could say in retrospect, I challenged my healthy lifestyle in a wrong direction, and inadvertently proved positive....healthy changes do have to be a lifetime commitment.  A valuable lesson learned that a 'yo-yo'  pattern won't cut it.  Then I need to ask myself, 'Anita, why do you always have to learn things the hard way?' Up, down...on it, off it...make up my or out!

I do not consider myself better than anyone else, but I do know better...therefore, I should do better! However, I am human and I'm imperfect.  I have my downfalls...perhaps more than I'd care to admit to.  Oh well....get back up, dust myself off...and start again! You really have no choice but to start where you, face up to the facts and move in a positive direction! That gets positive results!

It seems more 'natural' for me, and certainly does feel good to get back in the saddle....again, so to speak.  This time determined to not fall off again.  I've been 'not well' for years...not up to par.  This due to anemia that over that period of time, untreated became worse.  Since I didn't have medical insurance, there was little I could do about it.  In fact, what little I was trying to do didn't help much.

So, here we are almost to the mid-way point of the year.  Summer is almost upon us, and well, I want to really be in shape for the warm weather.  It was a long, cold, harsh Winter here in the Midwest, and a lot of other areas too.  Perhaps we'll all appreciate the warmth more.  Now that I am out of a stressful work situation and into a much better place, and once again have medical insurance, I can really focus on getting my health back to where it needs to be...gee whiz, I'm not that old!  It will will take a bit of time, but as long as all progress is in a positive direction, I'll get there.

Perhaps you're in a similar situation.  I understand your struggle, I've been there.  2014 is well under way, there is still time to make it the best year health-wise...and I'm setting goals to see that this happens, and I really feel good about that happening!  I've already started eating better (really, I had to!)....and I'm feeling better, mostly because I'm taking the needed iron supplementation to get my iron levels back to where they need to be....big difference! It has been so long since I felt good, I'd really forgotten what it did feel like! That's sad, and so unnecessary. Another positive direction I'm going is reinstating my personal trainer certification. 

I love to help people, I want everybody to feel good, to be be fit! So, here I go again, but this time for the long haul.  Are you with me? Let's get on top of 2014 and make it a healthy year...don't look back....don't dwell on the past.  Be kind to yourself, say kind things to yourself.  Don't be judgmental or hard on yourself.  Get the negative out of your life...negative people included! Surround yourself with kindness, patience and a positive attitude.  You can do it...and I'm here to help and encourage you along the way....on my path...on your path...on the path to better health! Why? Because 'living well is the best revenge!'