Sunday, September 27, 2015

Learning To Run - A Novice Perspective

I have been anticipating writing this blog for a while now. I wanted to get a little more 'experience' under my belt! So now I write this, fresh off my first 5k running race, which indeed was an experience, albeit one of mixed emotions for me. From my novice perspective, comes much thought regarding running. I've always been a walker, and I have participated in countless 5k walking events over my adult years.  I can say now, walking vs. running is quite different!
So, why the change? Well, there is a story behind it.  When I got back into the gym and seriously made the commitment to be dedicated to lifting weights, I naturally wanted to work toward fit abs.  This has been an ongoing challenge for me, as I have an issue that makes it even harder to obtain that.  So in my quest for this elusive prize, I did some web surfing to try to find an answer.  What do I need to be doing to get this? The answer was aerobic...either swimming or running.  Well, I don't swim...I drown the only other choice was running.  I had been doing HIIT (high intensity interval training) in the gym on the treadmill.  I determined I needed to 'take it to the streets'.  It was time!
So, I was off and running...literally! I started May 30th.  Probably a bad time to Midwest humidity was in full swing.  I didn't let that deter me though.  Sweat....there was a lot of that! I was certainly continuing on whether I felt like it or not.  About this same time, the company I work for sent out an email regarding an event that employees could participate in put on by the Indiana Sports Corp called 'Corporate Challenge'.  I had disregarded the email when it first came through, and actually deleted it.  After I started running, I began thinking perhaps I should reconsider.  So I did.  I told a co-worker who was one of the team leaders for the event, to give me a month to see how I like running and I would give her an answer as to whether I would participate. By the end of June, my answer was 'yes'...I would run in the 5k....and also a half mile run that was offered.
The days, weeks and months passed...finally the time was approaching.  During my training, I learned and encountered so much.  That in itself was a new experience.  What is nice, is I continue to amaze myself in what I am capable of doing once I put my mind to it.  Mindset is a strong tool! My first week into running, I got my first 'injury'.  I developed a blister under a toenail. Yipes! It is now, all these months later, back onto the road to recovery.  I have doctored and babied it all this time.  You do what you have to do.  I learned from that.  I switched over to running sandals to avoid a repeat of that.  I knew that I would need to invest in a good pair of running shoes with doing a competitive 5k.  (See picture above).
I started off running 1.5 to 2 miles.  My first run that I recorded with my app 'Map My Run', which a friend told me about, registered around 11 on pace.  That was my starting point.  It naturally varied over time. I had a few in the 8's....some short sprints, and many in the 9's and 10's, and even a few more 11's.  I think I'm so used to having such good workouts in the gym on weight lifting, that being up and down with running was frustrating. I was doing well with the shorter runs, around 2 miles.  When I started doing longer runs, my time suffered, but I knew if I was going to run 3.1 miles in a race, I needed to know I could run that far.  Getting a good time along with the distance was a big I have not conquered yet.  I did interval training, taking one day, usually a Saturday and running one mile as fast as I could.  Another day, I'd run a longer distance and not worry so much about pace...then I'd have a couple days where I would put the two together.
To just say, 'get out there and run', didn't seem right to me.  There is a lot to be aware of and a lot to know. Injury can obviously sideline you, and I don't like unpleasant 'surprises', that's no fun.  I didn't do that when I started working out in the gym when I was in my 20's.  I learned what to do in order to avoid injury.  I've not had an injury because of lifting weights wrong...yes, I've had sore muscles for sure...but no injuries...that's because I educated myself.  I had opportunity when I was finishing up my CEC's (continuing education credits) for my personal trainer certification to take a course regarding 'preventing running injuries'.  Wow...what a great opportunity to learn about running.  It was very informative.  It has been so useful to me, because I can also apply what I studied.
I am a person who thrives on goal-setting.  Goals are not a means to an end.  They are part of the journey...not a destination, because once you set a goal, then reach it, you set another goal and so on and so on.  With this first competitive run in the rear view mirror, I do have more goals on the agenda.  I continue to strive to do better and be better.  As long as I keep my mind on the positive I will continue to improve.  I do not compare myself against anyone else.  I am unique, as you are.  The body achieves what the mind believes.  When I say, 'yes, I can', then I know I will.  I have overcome a lot.  I continue to tear down obstacles, and that is encouraging.  I have come a long way, and still have far to travel.  My personal motto is, 'never give up, never give in, never back down'.  I will either find a way, or make one.  Be unstoppable!

My results from my first competitive 5k: