Monday, August 8, 2022

Skincare After 60


When I write an article for my blog, I typically spend hours researching information.  I seek answers to the questions I have, because it’s important to me to know and understand completely about the subject.  It’s easy to skim over the top, which is what most people do.  I dig deep so I can learn and come away with the best knowledge available to me, which makes me feel confident in passing along my findings. I’m all about simplicity, natural and herbal means to living.  Less many times is better!

Not everything works for everyone, nor works the same for everyone.  If you have sensitive skin and/or take prescription drugs, you should consult with a dermatologist and your doctor before you ingest supplements or put products on your skin.  Your skin is your largest organ.  It is a living, breathing, absorbing organ!

Human as I am, I’m once again finding myself turning around from careless habits I should never allowed to happen.  It is what it is, and I know I need to change that, which is exactly what I am in the process of doing.  Even set-backs or poor decisions have life-lessons.  Learn from them and move forward in the confidence that you will do better!

I will turn 60 in December.  I’m not scared of that…in fact, I want to fully embrace the privilege of having come this far.  I feel the good Lord still has much for me to experience, and my body, His temple needs to be the best it can, and that means I need and have to do better for it!

It doesn’t get easier as we get older, I’m sure y’all realize that! I’m not trying nor do I want to look 30 or 40 years old.  I want to look the best and feel the best I can at 60 (and beyond!).  I’ve got to be good to me, after all I’m the only one who can do that for me!

I’ve stated this blog isn’t just for women…men can benefit from the information as well.  That being said, women especially go through so many changes around 60…menopause (and even peri-menopause) are a big deal.  It’s an inward change, but it also has outward physical effects, things you may not realize.  It can carry an emotional toll and is so different from the days of having a menstrual cycle.

Functional fitness is even more important at this age and beyond.  Balance and flexibility are key to maintain, and a must for remaining independent in the next coming decade of life.  I’ve got to be able to climb up and down the stairs of my basement to do my laundry.  I have two little doggies to care for. I need to be able to bend over and stoop down.  If I am not able to do this, then I’m in trouble!

I hope you care enough about your skin to want it to look good, yes….even at 60+! That’s not vanity, that’s necessity! Healthy looking skin at any age should be a priority.  It is a reflection of your over-all health.  You only get one body here on earth, it’s imperative you do everything in your ability to care for it properly.  I cannot stress that enough!

Skin renewal time:

Babies – 14 days

Teenagers – 28 days

Adults – 24 to 42 days

50+ - up to 84 days

In looking at the above chart on skin renewal time, it is easy to see how your body changes and its ability and length of time to regenerate.  What that means, is when you make positive changes, it’s now going to take longer to see the results.  That also means, you have to have patience….stay the course, and continue on even if you’re not seeing it or feeling it in a short time. It’ll come…wait for it!

There are natural ways to help speed up the process.  Dry brushing is one way.  As our skin ages, there is a decrease in collagen synthesis and elastin.  The best way to boost collagen is internally.  Applying lotions and creams with collagen to the skin will not work.  (Note: see article on this blog page that I wrote regarding collagen).

For years you’ve heard about the importance of drinking enough water every day.  It is a really important factor in your health.  Your body needs this nutrient to perform many internal functions.  Without sufficient water, internal organs become sluggish, and this can cause a domino effect of health issues, and will reflect in the appearance of your skin.  I drink distilled water every day. I’ve recently started making it a ‘spa water’ by adding lemon and orange slices (you can also use pink grapefruit).  It’s a great boost!

There are many beneficial, simple products you can use that will help your skin look its best…and they are natural….not synthetic, man-made stuff.  I am researching more and planning on making my own face/body cleanser using these very ingredients I am sharing with you below:

·        Castile soap.  It’s anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral.  It is hydrating due to saponified oils.  It is made from plant oils (can’t get more natural than that!) It’s great for acne (which you may not have at 60) but it’s gentle to your skin, which is nice at any age!

·        Aloe vera gel.  It’s anti-bacterial and great for firming the skin.  It’s an all-over body jewel, as it increases collagen production.

·        Witch hazel.  One of my favorites for decades! It’s anti-bacterial and firming as well.  I love to use it for soothing my eyes.  I soak organic cotton rounds in it, (squeeze out excess) and apply to your eyes (closed, of course) for 10-15 minutes.  It really firms up the skin on my eyelids!

·        Vitamin E oil.  Great for moisturizing dry skin.  Yes, it is oily, so apply sparingly, and best to use at night when retiring to bed.

·        Rosehip oil.  This is one I’m looking into more, because this could be a real game-changer!  It naturally contains trans-retinoic acid, which is a great alternative to the synthetic, man-made Retinol.

I know this has been a long blog…but your skin is a big thing! Remember that! I’ve also provided some links so you can read for yourself some of what has been discussed in this article.  I can’t do it all for you.  It’s up to you to take the personal responsibility to actually do it! I’m here to help you by sifting through all the overwhelming data and provide to you simple information that you can use. There is a lot to it, and it can be confusing.  The results from my research I provide is helpful, and much of this I’ve put into personal practice for nearly four decades. I’ve found what works, and what doesn’t.  You have to find that for you as well.  Take care of your body and it will take care of you!

Friday, April 1, 2022

A New Season of Life


I’ve taken quite a break from my blog and from my Facebook page, which used to be “Fit After 50”.  In just 260 days, I will be 60! What a privilege! Let me start by saying my updated “Fit After 60” Facebook page, and this blog is not just for persons 60 plus! And it’s not just for women! Men need to take care of themselves as well! I will be sharing lots of good information on nutrition, health, exercise and self-care.  I do all my own research to write my blogs.  For those of you who are not familiar with me, I held personal trainer certification from 2011-2017.  I still keep up on much of what’s going on…and with nearly 40 years of nutrition background, I know quite a bit. (I know I will never know it all!) So I’m excited to be back into my blog, and publishing my “Fit After 60” Facebook page.  Please feel free to share with family, friends and co-workers, as there will be much to benefit from what I blog and post. I left many of my previous blogs because there is a wealth of information there.

Now, to get into what I’d like to discuss today…what I call the ‘seasons of life’.  I made a little chart to map out those seasons:


Birth to 20 years old                           Spring                         Early (birth to 10 years)

                                                                                                Mid (11 to 17 years)

                                                                                                Late (18-20 years)


21 to 40                                               Summer                      Early (21-30 years)

                                                                                                Mid (31-37 years)

                                                                                                Late (38-40 years)


41 to 60                                               Fall                              Early (41-50 years)

                                                                                                Mid (51-57 years)

                                                                                                Late (58-60 years)


61 to death                                          Winter                         Early (61-70 years)

                                                                                                Mid (71-77 years)

                                                                                                Late (78 and beyond)

I’m in the ‘late fall’ season on my life.  Where are you? I’m sure many of us over 50 years of age would agree that time has passed so quickly! And when I really think about it, many of those things were over half a lifetime ago! Not everyone makes it to 40, 50 or even 60, so what a blessing to experience those years of life! Embrace the change, and do everything you can to stay healthy.  It may require a bit more effort on your part, but having balance and flexibility, especially after 60 is necessary to keep you independent! And of course, let’s remember….health is wealth and for a long time I’ve said “living well is the best revenge!”

Yesterday I watched a really good documentary made just last year titled “That Sugar Film”.  For the novice, the information it contained would be eye-opening! For me, it was simply reinforcement in what I already knew. I personally know the health dangers of refined white sugar.  Even so, I’m human, and it’s very much an addiction for me….as it is for millions of others of all age groups. Getting refined white sugar out of your diet and life can be very challenging, because it’s in so many products…ones you wouldn’t even think. I’m working on eliminating it yet again! I have no excuses for allowing it back, only myself to blame.

Another issue as we age….men and women alike, but more so women, is weight gain.  The “change of life”….perimenopause and then menopause itself presents new issues to deal with.  Again, another area that will require that extra effort on your part.  Poor nutrition is a slippery slope, and can quickly have snowball consequences.  Compromise in eating habits can get you into some serious health issues.  I am thankful that I have not drank any soda pop for about 15 years now.  The documentary I watched had a lot to say about pop, and none of it was good! So, if that’s one of your vices, I strongly urge you to get it out of your diet! If you need a “crutch” to help you get through the withdrawl, do some juicing or eat fresh fruit.

There are so many healthy habits to look forward to blogging about and sharing with you. We all get older…every day.  Cannot avoid it!  If you have any questions, please contact me.  I will do the best I can to help. For shorter nuggets of information, I’ll post on my FB page.  Thanks for joining with me as we journey through the seasons of life together…making the most of each day and being mindful of the blessings in our lives. 


Monday, September 12, 2016

High Expectations - A Health Brief

I been up, I been the ZZ Top song goes.  That's me...that's my life...and probably yours as well if you've been around long enough like me! I've been on the wagon, off the wagon, thrown under the name it...weight up, weight down.  I've probably lost as much as I've found or found some I didn't intend to, and I swear at times some found me that someone else lost!  Truth is, most of us struggle with the scale and tape measure.  Some longer than others. It's an uphill battle, and honestly we can make it harder than what it really is. What's that you ask? Losing weight, of course! Somehow I feel in retrospect that no matter what I do, I'm still not satisfied.  Is that you? I know one thing, it's a lot more fun and a lot easier to put it on than to take it off.  Surprise....neither happens overnight! However, I intend to cover much more than just body fat issues this evening...I will present you with a potpourri of wellness...healthy eating and discussing the aging process and what to expect....because regardless if you are 20 or 50 and you are reading this....there is one thing we all have in common....we are all growing older each day! Just a  quick hint...the downhill process actually starts in your 20's! So pay attention, stay calm, and read on...
So I got to thinking on my way home from work tonight that I needed to write a blog.  Many times I do so simply to lift myself up from feeling low.  I care deeply about health and wellness because I came so close to shutting down a couple years ago. I'm all too familiar with the battle. Perhaps to look at me now, you'd probably think I never had an issue...but oh...yes I did! One that spanned the largest part of my adulthood.  Perhaps you can relate.  Sometimes I can come off so honest, I seem harsh or uncaring...but that's as far from the truth as it can be, and if you know me very well...well, you know that.  I want to help anyone who wants to be helped! Folks, if you think you're getting out of this alive, you have been deceived! Yes, we will all die one day, but personally, I want my remaining years to be full of life...quality life, not quantity ones spent lying in a hospital bed hooked up to equipment keeping me one step from the Grim Reaper! That's just existence...where is the zest in that?  Granted there is no 100% guarantee, but I'd rather 'buy' myself a little insurance and do what I can to improve the odds.  Oil of Olay (a skin care product) used to have a commercial where the model stated, 'Grow old gracefully? I'm going to fight it every step of the way!'  I used to think that was silly...but in my wise older age, you know, I totally get it! Thus, the name 'Rebel-Fitt'!
So hang in here with me, this blog may be rather lengthy...but I want to humor you, educate you and motivate you to better health! Can I get an 'Amen'? So, where does one start in the battle of the bulge? Well....right where you are now, of course, you really have no other choice! There is so much to be said, so much to can be overwhelming.  I'm here to help you sort thru the mess so you can be successful!  In fact, I've managed to jot down a small one hundred page list I'd like to share with you.  Just kidding....hahaha....I'll give you the Reader's Digest condensed version! (you older folk can appreciate that comment!)  Perhaps it's best I get this out there first.  Being slim is NOT an indicator of good health, however, being overweight is not healthy. Ok now, before you curl your lip up at me, and 'pfffttt' me off, remember....I've been there, I'm very sympathetic to your situation.  Don't kill the messenger, please! I implore, stay calm and read on! In 2001 I rocked the scale at about 200 my height, that's  a BMI (body mass index) of 32.8.  Anything over 30 is considered obese.  25 - 29.9 is considered overweight.  I am now at 22.1.  Yes, that's quite a difference, and believe me, I feel it! I did it, and you can do it too. So I can hear you saying, 'but ok, I need to lose some weight, but I'm healthy....I feel great!' Understand, you may not be considered among the walking dead at this point, but know there are many 'silent killers' out there stalking your health.  Do not be deceived...there are those you will not 'feel' nor know about until you get further down the road. I'm not going to take the time right now to go into greater detail....that's for another day, another blog.
Let's get into the meat of the issue...c-a-r-b-o-h-y-d-r-a-t-e-s.  We all love them and typically overeat the wrong ones, like bread...which includes crackers, pastries, cookies and the like. We really need less of those and more of the whole grain types like organic brown and wild rice, sweet potatoes and even white/red/yellow potatoes, oats and other cereal grains.  These are healthy for us.  Over consumption of alcoholic beverages.  Our liver is the largest internal organ, and also the heaviest organ.  It has many important functions, one being it detoxifies chemicals and metabolizes drugs.  It takes about 90 minutes for the liver to break down one alcoholic many people nurse a beer for an hour and a half? So, as you can's easy to overload this organ and set it up for problems, which can have a domino effect in other areas. You may not like to hear this, but cut out refined white flour, refined white sugar, fast food, deep fried food, junk food, highly processed and convenience foods and soda pop.  (yes, there is still food left you can eat!) It's radical, I know, but hey, I'm a rebel...what do you expect? Enough said about that! If you need me to hold your hand, I can do that!
So, perhaps by now you may realize it becomes more challenging as you get older to stay healthy....that's why it is so, so important to start as young as you can....nip it in the bud! I had some food sensitivities in my mid-20's....took care of them quickly with herbal and natural supplementation (if you know me very well, you know I'm into the 'Eastern' approach to wellness....treat yourself as the whole and connected person that you are!)  Digestive issue chances increase as you age, one of those being what is called 'leaky gut syndrome'.  
Moving right along, let's change over to the reason I titled this blog what I did...high expectations. If I haven't said this before, I've at least gripped about my disgust with what I call the 'Hollywood image' and software programs like Photoshop that 'clean up' your appearance. The old saying 'a picture doesn't lie' is no longer the truth. Hey, I long for perfection...believe me, I hate it when I'm human (silly, I know).  We all have imperfections, but human nature dictates we not flaunt those, but rather cover them up, or as technology does, erase them.  When I was a teenager, and was dealing with acne, like 99.9% of this age group does, I used to dream about being 'older' and no longer having to deal with that.  Well, then you find out when you're in your 20's...there's 'adult acne'! Really? *sigh* And depending on other possible issues like hormonal imbalances, you can still be dealing with it into your 30's, 40's and 50's! Ugh! We get so overly concerned about image, that we aren't 'real' anymore, we're a computer generated idea of perfection. Embrace your flaws, and quit trying to grab the next cover of a magazine! You also find out as early as your 30's that body parts don't work like they used begins to thin, the skin starts to wrinkle. Why is this?
There is a substance in our bodies called collagen (I wrote a lengthy blog about it a couple months ago...check it out).  It is the most abundant protein in the human body and is the substance that holds the whole body together.  It is found in the bones, muscles, skin and tendons where it forms a 'scaffold' to provide strength and structure.  The level of collagen reaches a peak around 20 years of age.  That is why you start seeing changes even as early as your 30's.  The loss of this can bring on a condition known as crepey skin....which is really quite's unsightly.  Poor diet, lack of proper skin care (quality products used consistently go a long way), exposure to the sun, pollutants in the air, heredity, weight gain/loss...all play a role  in collagen's demise.  However, all is not lost, you can supplement it into your diet with good results. (I'm going to blog on this some more in the near future)  As we age, we all long to find that 'fountain of youth', elusive as it can's not just one thing, but many factors combined  that can slow it down, and buy yourself some time. Face it, you're not going to look 20 when you're 50, so get over it! If you are male, you don't have to deal with the ravages of menopause, although men go through their own 'change'.  Skin care isn't just for the ladies! Reverse the effects of gravity...apply lotions in an upward motion.  Moisture isn't just about creams....drink plenty of water...that would be half your body weight in ounces....if you weigh 150, drink 75 ounces of water a day...and more if you are sweating from exercise or working outdoors in the heat.
Oh my....this is getting rather lengthy, and I'm only on page 5 of my 100 pages of notes....*grin* So perhaps I should wrap this up.  There are many life lessons, and nothing so  personally real as learning them in the school of hard knocks! Some things you encounter are more important than others, but certainly your health and wellness is not one to ignore.  It would be so convenient if I could tell you everything you need to know in one article...alas, for as much as I have studied over the last three decades, I still don't know it all, and I came to realize some time back, I never will.  It is ever-changing, and you have to stay on top of it...most people can't, it's too much.  Please be sure to visit my blog, as I will continue to bring you information in this area. We all tend to have high expectations...from our appearance to our financial status. Personal training isn't just about muscles, it's much more.  There's more to health than just a walk in the park.  Nutrition is your body's first line of defense.  I've said it many times, you either feed disease or your starve it.  If you're looking for a 'cure', you're going to find it at the end of your fork my friend! As I say, 'be well, live well, because living 'well' is the best revenge!'


Sunday, July 3, 2016

Collagen Supplements


There are so many supplements on the market, that it makes it easy to get caught up in the hype.  Just because a product is out there and has a following, does not mean it's necessary or safe.  Never jump on the bandwagon research....not from just one source but from many.  I have several trusted resources that are my 'go to' for reliable information that I have utilized for decades in my self-study.  Since most of these said supplements are promoted by a manufacturer selling their product, searching out an unbiased opinion can be frustrating and difficult.  Of course, their product is 'the best' because they want you to buy it! Stick with me on this's going to be rather lengthy!
Sometimes my interest in something leads me down many paths and ends up being quite time consuming, because sadly there is much conflicting information out there.  I really don't mind, I like to do the research, and then share my findings with my readers.  I figure I am not alone...if I'm interested in some particular item, there are no doubt many other people wanting to be in the know on it as well.  I have made it my mission so to speak to sift thru the hype and present simple, yet necessary details and facts so that each individual can determine if this is something for them.  What works for one person may not for someone else.  However, that being said, consistency in use will determine end results, yet keeping that in mind, most times you do get what you pay for and not all products are created equal.  This is true with probably 99.9% of sports supplements on the market.  Caveat emptor!
So, the purpose of this particular blog deals with collagen supplements.  It piqued my curiosity when an advertisement came across my Facebook page regarding it.  One thing that everybody shares in common is that of growing older....we are all doing that every day.  As we do this, our bodies naturally start a declining process known as aging.  Certain things just don't work like they used to. I'm sure most of us have experienced that! It's a part of can accept it, embrace it, or like me, be a rebel and fight it every step of the way! *grin*  Maybe my attitude with that comes from being the youngest of seven siblings...I have a reputation to uphold! Seriously though, I see nothing wrong with doing everything you can to keep your body healthy at any age.  It's a complex duty however, as it's not just doing 'one' thing, but many.  Don't let that dissuade you however, consider it a form of 'insurance', even though there are no 100% guarantees.
Most people tend to blame their genes for a lot regarding their body and their health. Jack LaLanne debunked that theory in his book 'Live Young Forever', as he faced these very comments regarding his ability to age so well. (I won't go in to the detail the's great!)  One thing I want to mention early on is when trying something new, always allow proper time (along with consistency) to yield results.  And, just do one particular thing at a time, because if you start numerous regimens, and the results come, you won't know if it was because or one, the other, or both.  When it comes to your skin, know that the epidermis (or the surface layer) is renewed every two to four weeks.  Considering you have three main layers, the epidermis, the dermis and the hydodermis, allow 6 to 12 weeks to actually see lasting've got to stick with it!  And realize it is not a once-and-done's a lifestyle change.  Why? Because you are continually growing older, so you need to make it a habit. It's a cycle, a vicious one perhaps, but a continuing cycle no less.

I am all for getting nutrients first from quality foods.  Even the most squeaky clean diet however, needs some help in the form of supplements.  That being said, do not let supplements be the 'fill in' for a poor diet....these are not a replacement for eating right, rather  they are complimentary to a well balanced diet. One of my reference sources 'Dr. Wellness' was good for background information about skin composition, but seemed to throw out the idea of getting enough collagen thru diet. I don't agree with that 100%.  As a bit of further searching, 'Health Central' was a great source of foods with adequate collagen to benefit the skin.

Really, it comes down to a lot of fruits and vegetables, and consistent consumption. So, here is the breakdown...vitamin C rich foods like oranges, lemons and strawberries, spinach, cabbage, kale, red peppers, beets, tomatoes, sweet potatoes and carrots.  There is enough variety there that it would be easy to include at least one if not several of these DAILY.  Two tablespoons of beans every day (toss those in a salad and you're good to go), Five to six prunes a day, which contain the absolute highest level of anti-oxidants you can find in a fruit, followed by blueberries.  Salmon, tuna, turkey (consume 2-3 times/week), and one tablespoon of flaxseed daily (be sure to grind up to reap the benefits)  Foods rich in sulfur such as green and black olives, cucumbers and celery are highly beneficial.  What you do not see here are any junk deep fried foods, no fast food and no soda pop.  This is exactly the diet that turned my failing health around....I speak from experience here.

One thing I gleaned in researching collagen is to apply it directly to the skin is of no benefit at all, because the molecules are too large to absorb into the skin.  However, using avocado oil in face masks and creams will aid the skin's appearance and help with fine lines and such that come as we grow older. (Oh, and consuming avocadoes daily is a good habit to take up)  And guys, this isn't just advice for the need to take care of their skin as well! There are many collagen products on the shelves in the form of pills, powders, tablets and liquids.  The two I plan on looking further into are liquids and powders.

A little primer on collagen, 30% of protein in our body is made up of it, and the dermis is 95% collagen.  That's not only important, it's quite impressive.  There are 28 types of collagen in the human body, including type I (the stronger and tougher type) and type III (the 2nd most abundant in human tissue)  When choosing a supplement, type I should be the greater amount, and type III the lesser.  Liquid provides the greatest bioavailability, this is a critical factor in how it is digested and absorbed.  As far as potency, at least 7,000 mg. (milligrams) per serving to see worthwhile results.  Formulation.  This gets a bit more 'scientific', and having not used any of these products, I cannot tell you if all collagen supplements contain this or not, but here is what to look for: hydrolyzed marine collagen, deoxyribonucleic acid, yes....DNA...coenzyme CoQ10, ceramide, vitamin C (at least 300 mg's), hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulfate.  And check the source....marine (or fish) is the best.  Steer clear of collagen from China, as their standards as rather lax.

Well, this blog on collagen is by no means exhaustive, but is a good overview of the product.  Hopefully, if you are interested as I am in checking into using collagen, you will find it to be a useful springboard to aid you in purchasing the best product there is.  If you have used this, or are going to use this, please share your experience here either by commenting or email me at:  I would be interested in hearing from you.  I will update on what I use and the results I see.  As always, be well, live well, because living 'well' is the best revenge!

Friday, December 18, 2015

Change Your Bad Habits....Your Life Depends On It!

I tend to get very reflective this time of year with my thoughts.  Something about the end of the year does that to me.  I'm a deep thinker, always have been.  So as I sit here eating my morning meal (pictured above), I am consuming the last piece of bread I have in my house.  It's organic, of course, but flour will be leaving my diet come January 1.  I will be posting the article I am writing about that nutritional plan in the next day or so.
Sometimes I wonder why I bother to care so much about other people's well-being, as it seems most people don't give proper attention to their own health, as it is reflected by what they eat that tells me that. I have an extensive background in nutrition and exercise, some 30 years.  I've had some more formal training with certifications and diploma, but I have logged countless hours of self-study during that period.  For years I went back and forth with my eating habits and my exercise, never being consistent and sticking with it. By the time I was 38 in 2000, and my dad died, I was at my heaviest weight in my life...200 pounds! I'm only 5'5-1/2"! The stress of my dad's illness turned me to comforting myself with the wrong foods, and the pounds packed on.
Fast forward to 2009, even though I had experienced a good weight loss several years previous, I still wasn't where I needed to be, and now health issues were creeping in.  Frantic to get it under control, I turned to Western medicine for an answer.  It didn't help, in fact it intensified the problem.  I started using some herbs and was able to get the situation under control, albeit, I would find just temporarily.  Eastern medicine to the rescue! The last 6 years though have been tough ones, as the issue didn't completely go away, and I found out in 2014, I was literally feeding the problem.  Months before that when I made a big change in my diet and exercise, it was as if the flood gates of Hell had opened.  Once again I found myself struggling to get through a health crisis.
In 2011, I embarked upon certification as a personal trainer.  I was doing pretty good that year, consistently working out at the gym, and improving my eating habits, knowing this is what I needed to do.  At the end of the year, I took a pretty bad fall....and that knocked me off the wagon. 2012 and 2013 were bad years.  I went back to old habits and by the beginning of 2014, I was in poor shape.  I had packed on the pounds and was back up to just over 162.  Also, my health issue had resurfaced, and serious anemia had set in.  By April, I knew I had to get a handle on this once and for all.  I just simply could not continue to go on this way.  I was close to being hospitalized.
The diet was the first thing to be addressed, and over night I went cold more refined white flour or refined white sugar, no red meat (was causing inflammation issues in my thumb where I had developed arthritis), no junk food, no fast food, no deep fried food.  Fortunately, I had given up soda pop many years before.  And no alcohol.  I wasn't big on drinking to begin with.  Occasional red wine when I did.  Back to the gym to get the weight off.  By the end of 2014, I was 34 pounds lighter, and was the smallest I'd been since I was in high school.  The health issue is now under control, I have maintained my weight loss within 4 pounds, and I've never felt better!
So, all this said to get to my point.  I have experienced seeing many friends deal with serious health issues this year, and unfortunately have lost two young friends in 2015.  I have long been fascinated with how the human body works, and amazed, yet sad at how much abuse it can take.  We do so many things that are bad for us, and seemingly we get away with our 20's...our 30's....our 40's.  But then late 40's early 50's arrive and we start seeing we are reaping what we sow.  I have blogged about this before. We are each responsible for what we eat, that being said, it is our own fault when things go awry because of it.  I have had a lot to deal with, and took the necessary measures to regain my health.  I can only hope I have not done irreversible damage.
I hear it all....the 'reasons', which are just excuses really.  Moderation is a word that comes up.  I totally get it.  People are way sensitive about their eating habits, especially when they have poor ones.  Nobody wants to give up the bad stuff, it tastes so good, any hey, I 'deserve' it!  I've been there, done that, and I can tell you from personal experience, it is not worth the repercussion. I consistently tell my friends I am here to help, that I care.  Sadly, it seems to fall on deaf ears.  When I do hear from someone, it is because something unfortunate has transpired, and now they realize the need to change. It's ok.  I'm still here for you even after the fact.  I would like very much to stress prevention however, not damage control. Either way, I'm here to assist you in dealing with it. We can work through it, but understand it will take patience and consistency...and yes, those poor eating habits will have to go, there is no way around it!
It may seem that eating right isn't any fun. Well, let me tell you, being sick and unhealthy is not any fun. Being overweight and unhealthy is hard...losing weight is hard, but is worth the effort to ensure improved health. You've got to stick with this...everyday.  It's not a fad, it's a lifestyle.  The foods I prepare and eat taste good.  It takes preplanning, effort and time.  Convenience foods are over processed, fast food is cheap...don't jip yourself, you're worth more than that.  I truly don't miss what I've left behind.  Once you start reaping the benefit of feeling better, you will realize you didn't know you could feel so good! That's a big payoff!  You don't have to wait for the new calendar year to roll over, start today! Change your bad habits....your life depends on it!

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Protein - An Important Part of Your Diet

There are many important things to consider when it comes to what you eat.  Carbohydrates get a lot of attention these days, but I want to focus on protein.  Although carbs play an important role along with protein, I believe most people eat too many carbs and the wrong kind.  That's a whole other article!
Protein isn't just for people who are involved in weight training.  Just your 'average Joe' needs 56 grams (men) or 46 grams (women).  It is an essential nutrient that helps you to lose weight, and yes, increase muscle mass.  That is important when you are involved in strength training.
The 'one size fits all' method doesn't set well with me, as there are several factors that need to be taken into consideration when determining how much.  I believe using your body weight to calculate this is much more accurate.  To do this, you will need to convert your weight in pounds to kilograms (body weight divided by 2.2) If you are not lifting weights, you can take that figure times .8. So an inactive 150 pound person would need about 54 grams of protein a day. (150 divided by 2.2 = 68.1 x .8 = 54.48) If you are lifting weights, take your kilogram figure times 1.5 or 2 to determine your need. 1.5 for moderate or times 2 for more intense workouts.
So where are the best sources of protein? I am going to list non-dairy choices.  Number one is eggs.  This is a very versatile food that contains healthy fats, antioxidants and lots of vitamins.  The whites are almost entirely protein while the yolk contains nutrients and fat.  Chicken and turkey breast without the skin.  Oats. Even though cooking time is longer, steel cut is best.  This grain assists in regularity and contains magnesium, manganese and vitamin B1. of the best vegetables you can include in your diet.  Raw, steamed or grilled it boasts vitamin C and K, potassium and fiber.  One cup = 3 grams protein and only 31 calories.  Tuna, rich in Omega-3 fatty acids.  One cup contains a whopping 39 grams of protein.  Lean beef.  A great choice is bison. Always choose lean cuts. A 3 oz. serving gives you 22 grams of protein and also iron and B vitamins.  Quinoa. (pronounced 'keen-wah') is a grain that is a seed.  Dubbed a 'superfood', it is easy to add to homemade soups (don't need to cook it before adding), and has a short stove-top cook time.  One cup provides 8 grams of protein and offers fiber, minerals and antioxidants.  Adding beans (black, kidney, garbanzo) will boost your protein intake from 38 to 40 plus grams protein per cup and also low in fat.
Adding quality protein to your diet is quite simple.  It will require some pre-planning and prep, but it is well worth it. Consider eating 5-7 small meals instead of just three...this will give your body a constant supply of nutrients and keep your energy levels even.  Whether you are an 'average Joe' wanting to eat healthier or into consistent strength training, protein will support muscle repair, increase muscle growth and expedite recovery.  Something for every 'body' important part of your diet...everyday! Be well, live well....because living 'well' is the best revenge!

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Soup-er Easy Black Bean Soup (Recipe)

Beans are a quick and easy go-to food....I love adding them to homemade soups. This recipe has just five ingredients.
1 carton organic vegetable broth
1 can organic diced tomatoes
1 can green beans
1 can organic black beans
8 oz. orzo (uncooked)

Rinse and drain black beans, drain green beans.  Put all ingredients in a large pan.  Heat until orzo is cooked. Season with fresh ground black pepper and Bragg Organic Sprinkle. Enjoy with hot, homemade bread and organic butter!