Monday, December 31, 2012

The Importance of Cleansing and Detoxing

In under 10 hours from where I am located, it will be the new year....2013 will finally be here...I have so long now been anticipating its arrival.  I have purchased my cleanse so I can start off right.

I have used Nature's Secret Ultimate Cleanse in the past.  I like it for a couple of reasons.  First off, it's gentle.  I have used cleanses before that were harsh and fast acting, and you had to be quick on your toes to get to the bathroom, or you might have a problem, if you know what I mean! Not so with is a 2-part total body program.  It cleanses, detoxifies and works well on elimination.  Second, I don't have to add weird foods or eliminate foods from my diet during the cleanse to use it, which should be no more than 30 days in length. 

It contains a Multi-Herb Digestion & Detox Support and the other part is a Multi-Fiber Cleanse.  If you have never done a cleanse before, you will probably notice the whole process a bit more than what I do because I've done this a couple of times.  Always check with your doctor before starting a detox program to make sure you will be okay with doing it safely.

There are many other detox and cleansing programs out there.  There is one other I have tried and did not like it, as it contained bentonite clay as part of the cleansing process.  With all the options you can certainly chose one that will suit your needs.  Some are shorter in length than others.  And there are some really long ones.   Some are very strict with what foods you consume during the cleanse, and others not.  So just keep that in mind...what are you willing to give up eating and for how long, if that is what the cleanse warrants?

Also, as far as nutrition....during a cleanse certainly don't overeat, and don't eat junk food.  Don't smoke or drink alcohol, as all these can affect the results in a negative manner.  Keep your diet as clean as you can, and simple so as to not overwhelm your system during a time when it is 'cleaning out'. I can guarantee once you have done this, you will feel better.  It's a great way to start off a new year, and have a new you emerge!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Getting Through The Winter Months

If you live in a cold area like I do, the winter months can be rather depressing.  It's hard to do anything outside, it's cold...there's not much's just not a fun time for me....I'm a warm/hot weather I just have to 'tolerate' this time of year.  On the bright side though, it's a great time for me to really focus my thoughts and energies elsewhere....and that's a good and productive thing!

If you have a gym membership, getting out to the gym during bad weather conditions may not be an option....with a few essentials at home, you can obtain a decent workout.  A good aerobic DVD, some various dumbbells, maybe even a barbell, an exercise ball for abs, and even small exercise devices that attach to a door are beneficial.  Plan out various routines, and you can work out your entire body throughout the week!

This weather does allow me to really focus on my goals.  Count down the days to Spring (or Summer!), and set up a list of goals between now and then that you want to accomplish.  This is where you will notice even small improvements will add up over this time! Look forward to those warmer days and visualize your body in shape and lookin' great in your clothes.  Just think of the pounds you'll lose between now and then!  It's getting that mind-set and motivation going forward....and that's progress!

This blog is here to encourage you...and that encouragement helps me too!  Just keep that determination to move...the body was meant to've got all those muscles...approximately 640 of them, and 206 bones! This time of year for a lot of us can be a challenge....fresh fruits and vegetables are not available to us, so we must find appropriate alternates.  Frozen is a good choice, and some canned varieties with lower sodium are available as well.

We'll get through these next couple of months....and when Spring does arrive, and those flowers start blooming, and the buds appear on the trees...we can look back over the last 83 days and know we have come a long way, we've accomplished so much.  You'll realize how much better you feel and look.  So, even though I'm not fond of the cold weather and snow...I know that by maintaining my focus on exercise and nutrition...these long, darker days will pass...and soon the sun will emerge....and I'll be better for it! Stick with it'll reap the rewards if you do!

Friday, December 28, 2012

Stay On Track With A Calendar

I'm getting really excited....just four more days until the new year.  I always get motivated this time of year.  It's so easy to fall out of those good habits...and eventually by the time the year ends, you realize you need to get back on track.  Then there's that 'blank page' when January one rolls around, and it's this whole new feeling of getting to start fresh...I love it!

One way to help throughout the year is to track your success using a calendar.  It doesn't matter what kind of calendar...weekly, etc...whatever works for you.  Make this calendar for your health and exercise and nothing else, that way it's not all crowded with other events and such.  I prefer one that I can see the whole month on one page.

So what should you track? Well, when you weigh in, body measurements, track what days you exercise (you can include what you did; i.e. aerobics, upper body workout, etc).  Be sure to include when you eat out at restaurants...record where you went and briefly what you ate.  This will help you to 'remember' when you do that...because it should not be something done on a regular basis, but a 'treat' you reward yourself with for all that hard work!

By being able to go back each month, you can review and re-evaluate your goals and tweak them to assist you in reaching each one! Getting in shape and better health doesn't have to be boring.  It's what you make it....what your attitude is toward it...the dedication you put into it, and your day to day, week to week and month to month results that really get the job done.

I hope you have decided to resolve to be healthier in 2013.  Read the challenge that I spoke of in my earlier blog posting.  Need encouragement? Email me...I'd love to help! (put 'Health Challenge' in the subject line)  Best to all in the coming sure to check back often as I will certainly be adding more!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Working Toward The New Year

Just ten more days until 2013 arrives.  Hopefully you've been using this time to work toward the better change you are planning for the new year.

Going through cabinets, refrigerator and anywhere else you might stash food....using up, giving away or throwing away (hopefully not too much of that!)...preparing for when January 1 comes and you have what I like to call a 'blank page'...

I plan to start the new year with a cleanse.  There are many out there, and I will be blogging soon about which one I will be using.  Remember, check with your doctor when beginning a new health regimine.  It is especially important if you are on prescription drugs. 

Use these next ten days as a transition time.  Write down important things in a notebook, (or start an electronic journal) and check back to it often...adding, revising...just really encouraging words to get you in the proper mind-set.

It's almost here...I'm excited!  I've gotten a little off track this past year, and I'm excited to get going back there where I need to be...I look at my biceps and see the tone and definition there....knowing I want to build it up more.  Be specific about your goals, but realistic too.

Best of blessings for the new year....challenge yourself....reach for new heights...and most of all be encouraged, knowing that determination....hard work and sticking to it will yield the results that you've been looking for!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Hydrated - The Importance of Water

Making sure you get enough pure water is essential, vital even to your health.  All of your internal organs need is required, not an option.  Most people do not drink enough daily for their internal functions to work properly.  Continuing this day in and day out over the years can cause those oh so ever important organs to stress, become sluggish and start working improperly, then you begin having issues.  Water is just as important a 'fuel' to your body as are the solid foods you consume, and those organs need at least one (1) litre a day to function properly.

I have long been amazed at how much abuse our bodies can take and us still function every day.  You can 'get away with it' for awhile, but eventually it will catch up...and when it does, you might begin to realize something just seems to pop up all of a sudden.  Actually, it did not most likely occur that quickly, it was building over the years of neglect and this is the end result.  It doesn't have to be that way.  Taking action today and every day can keep those problems from occurring.  There is no magic bullet, and certainly no 100% guarantee.  You could do everything right, and still something go wrong.  But proper choices definitely adds
'insurance' that whatever may occur, your body is healthier and more able to handle a health issue, allowing it to not be so severe, and enabling you to recover quicker.

Not all water is created equal.  There are many chemicals added to our tap drinking water to make is suitable for us to drink.  I am not in agreement that these additives are at levels not detrimental to your health.  At least filter tap water if you are drinking it.  Bottled water can also assist, just be certain of the reliability of the source.  Water from other beverages such as coffee, soda pop and even some teas do not count toward a daily intake total for water consumption.  Most of these contain caffeine, which actually dehydrates your body.  That, you don't want to do.  Drink clear water every day.  How much? Well, I've never had a problem with the 6-8 glasses (8 oz. each glass) recommendation I've heard and read about over the years.  Then, if you are doing activities that cause you to sweat, like working in your yard on a very warm day, a good weight/aerobic workout, or a very physical job that places you in a warm environment, that extra sweating means you need extra hydration.

So how can you know if you are getting enough? Well, there's a couple ways.  Typically when you wake up in the morning, you'll notice your urine has a darker, more yellow appearance (yes, you should notice these things).  That's because through the night you've not been consuming water to dilute that color.  Or if you go too long a period during waking hours without sufficient water, you'll experience this same thing.  It is a good idea to drink 16 oz. of water upon rising (whatever time that is for you) to get that important nutrient flowing back through your internal organs.  So, if you're drinking enough water, you'll not have this dark yellow urine.  (Note: There are exceptions, some vitamins, especially B-complex darken urine, and some prescription medications have the same effect)  Also, hold your hand out flat, and pinch up the skin on the back of your hand using your thumb and index finger, then release it.  If it springs back quickly to it's original starting point, you are hydrated.  If it takes awhile for it to release back or it just stays there, you need water!

This is not a difficult task to accomplish...if you're not in the habit of doing it, you may need to put more effort into it.  You may say, 'I don't like the taste of water'....well, water doesn't have a 'taste', or it shouldn't....if it does, something is not right.  Adding a bit of fresh squeezed lemon is a great option.  Lemon is a good cleansing tonic for the liver. Without this life-sustaining nutrient, you would die in a fairly short period of time....that's how important it is...really move vital than even solid food! Don't skimp on it!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Developing Healthy Habits

That time of year is coming upon us, when most people make the ever popular 'New Year's Resolutions'.  However there are those who resolve to not make resolutions for the coming year.  Either way, it's just one of those things that if we do it, we hope we can stick to.  I think that one reason most of our resolutions don't pan out long, is we tend to be what I prefer to call 'overly ambitious'.  It is necessary to be realistic in what we would like to do....and compare it to what we know we can do.  Then after those 'big' changes, we tend to make too many resolutions.  That's when it gets overwhelming, and we just can't keep up.  Most of these fall apart before March.

Okay, so start planning now...and begin now making some small changes.  This can be challenging to 'start ahead' of January 1st, because there are so many temptations in the month of December.  Make a list, then determine what small thing you can do in that area that won't be that big of a deal, and put it in place.  You can check your list daily...and do as many of these as you are able.  Keep adding to it.  The excitement of actually doing it many times is the necessary motivation to keep moving along....forward motion.  It's a positive reinforcement that leads to further success.

Making healthy choices takes commitment, determination and dedication to your 'cause'.  Plan for 'treats', but know that these are not a daily reward.  Once a week, every two weeks, once a month...depending on what you are going to 'treat' yourself to is a consideration.  Write these down along side your 'resolutions'.  Keep your list close by....out of sight typically means out of mind...and we don't want that to happen.  Keeping this information in the forefront is the reminder to keep doing what you are doing.

One of the best and probably most popular resolutions is to eat healthier.  This does not happen overnight.  However, beginning today, start with your next meal working toward better eating choices.  Check your cabinets and pantry, and take an inventory of what is there...write it down if necessary. Use up these foods, as I don't like to waste.  Now, consider healthier alternatives, and write those down.  Make this your grocery list, so when you shop the next time, you replace the 'not so good' for the good, healthier choices. Making a list and sticking to it will help keep you on track. I will be blogging on this more in the coming weeks to assist you in swapping out poor choices to build your healthy stash.

So this is a good start.  There are many more areas that are necessary to really give a boost to a healthy lifestyle, but let's start here.  My personal trainer blog is not so much for those already big into weight lifting and healthy eating, but more so for those who are just starting.  All the information 'out there' can be confusing and overwhelming.  In this blog my intention is to bring it all down to earth in simple terms, providing what you truly need to be successful in weight loss.  It's not just something you do in January each's what you do all year long.  It won't be easy, and most likely you'll have some slides in the wrong direction...that's okay.  It's not the end of the world.  I'm not perfect either, and it's a daily challenge, but it is so worth it...and you will discover that by eventually putting all these good changes into place, you will feel better and have more energy for everything else too.  When you have good health, you have a lot...and I look at it this way, and have said it healthy is the best revenge. Wishing you a healthy start to 2013!