Saturday, September 29, 2012

Test Your Mettle - Drop Sets

Drop sets....have you heard of it? It's definitely not for the faint of heart.  This is serious weight training.  I've tried it, and it will work you out! How to: start with a challenging amount of that you can do at least 4-6 reps with.  When you finish that set...immediately drop the weight amount by 10% (don't 'rest' between sets) 6-8 reps at that weight...then immediately drop that weight again by 10%...(no resting, now!) do 8-10 reps...and finish off by dropping the weight again by 10% (we're almost there!) and perform 10-12 reps! You'll be saying 'ow!', but believe me, your muscles will be 'wow-ed'! This type of exercise is best done using a weight machine for whatever muscle group you chose to work out, as weight poundage can quickly be changed, and the idea is really pushing the muscles to perform at high intensity/energy, without the typical 30 to 90 seconds rest between sets.  It's something you can add once a week for a group of muscles that will really ramp up your results! You won't be disappointed!

Remember: If you have not exercised in a long time, and/or are on prescription medications or have health issues, get an 'ok' from your doctor before getting involved in a weight lifting program to make sure you are healthy enough to do it.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Getting Control

It is so easy and 'convenient' to go astray with eating habits...believe me, I know...been there, done that.  There are just so many temptations that abound, and even sometimes when you get past that, you get tripped up by someone who sabotages your efforts.  It can get frustrating.

It happens to the best, and getting back on track can sometimes be difficult and get delayed.  Everyday stresses sometimes makes it even easier to stray, and then reality bites and you snap to attention and wonder, 'what was I thinking'?

If you've experienced the wonderful benefits that a healthy lifestyle brings on...and then you find yourself wore down and in a slump, you realize, you've GOT to get control again.  It's one thing when you're growing up in your parent's household.  You eat what is fixed and exercise...well, that might entail a walk to the frig.

Ok, wake're a responsible adult now! So, what's you're excuse? Do you truly have a legit one?  Most of the time it's pretty get up....dust yourself off....get back on the proverbial wagon and get going!  Sometimes all it takes is a mental pep talk...other times more serious action is warranted.

If you don't take care of you, then who will? You cannot put your best self forward if you're down so much of the time.  Reality can be an eye opener.  You can find yourself in enough issue when you do take care of yourself.  When you don't you're simply asking for trouble.  Certainly the odds will stack up against you...age will continue in a forward motion and your poor choices will catch up with you, even as early as your 30's...then look out in your 40's and beware of those 50's.  Granted there are no guarantees, but why risk it?

I cannot make anybody do anything...I can provide encouragement, understanding and guidance...the rest has to come from you.  Sometimes the pep talk in my blogs is for me too...I'm human...I fall short...yup, I even get lazy (or too busy) at times.  I know what I need to be doing and I certainly don't want to be labeled a hypocrite!

Sometimes a break is necessary and unavoidable, but don't let the days become weeks, the weeks become months and so on.  Nip it in the bud.  When you work so hard and put so much effort into taking care of yourself, you don't want the slacking to cause you to lose so much of what you gained.  The mental boost I get from lifting weights and the physical results I see, are proof that what I am doing is having a positive effect.

Yes, life can get us down...taking care of ourselves can lift us up.  Keep them positive thoughts going, and those mental visions of a healthy, in shape you in the forefront.  Surround yourself with those who are for you.  Be proactive....stay on top of things. When you encounter those who are jealous and want to bring you to their level, remember, living healthy is the best revenge. :-)

Sunday, September 16, 2012

It's Supplemental - Snacking

There's a whole lot of health information just 'out there'...sifting through it all can get time consuming and be complicated.  This blog is here to help everybody sort through the plethora of reality vs. hype news that inundates us everyday from multiple directions.  Over the years I have found some great products that I like and include in my eating program.  I'm an advocate of 'clean eating'.  Potato chips and snacks such as that are a big 'no-no' on clean fact, I had a few chips the other day and realized how disgusted I was with the greasiness! Yuck! Pirate's Booty distributed by Pirate Brands has a yummy all natural aged white cheddar rice and corn puff that is allowable from time to time...satisfies that needed crunch!  I also enjoy trying the different protein bars on the market.  I'm really not a big cookies 'n' cream fan...but Met-Rx puts out a Big 100 Colossal Super Cookie Crunch bar that!  The whole bar contains 32 grams of protein, 410 calories and 14 grams of fat.  I cut the bar into at least 4 pieces, sometimes 5 or 6 pieces...and eat a piece mid-morning and a piece mid-afternoon.  Learning to eat right is paramount to your weight loss plan....the two go hand in hand!