Thursday, December 25, 2014

Get Real, For Real!

Fitness is a lot about exercise and eating right, however, there is more to us as individuals than that.  21st Century culture has become so obsessed with physical appearance....seeming to ignore attributes such as a beautiful heart/soul, or even a decent intellect/morals.  I think Hollywood has placed an unrealistic view upon ourselves because of the 'in your face' movie stars/personalities that are splashed across the pages of entertainment magazines, on t.v., and in the movies....the notorious paparazzi chasing down the latest dirt that we seem to thrive on and pursue.  We are driven to want what they got....and aging? Well, there's plastic surgery for that, right? Recent technology 'makes' people look better than what they are in person....imperfections regardless of size can be taken away, or 'improvements' put in place to give the appearance of near perfection...this irritates me. These technological enhancements just aren't realistic. Do I really want my picture modified with software to the point of it not being the real me? Sadly, a lot of people prefer that. I am writing this particular blog because I care so much about human health...not just mine, but everybody.  I do not sugar coat anything...(not even with organic sugar!) I am very upfront, because it is that important to me.  It is what it is! I hope you will read this with an open mind and realize the impact poor food choices have on your body, and that you will chose to put the necessary changes in place, especially as we round the corner of a new year.

I believe every person should strive to be the best they can.  We are each unique individuals and none of us are perfect, certainly not me, and no, not even Hollywood. You can wash the mud off a pig, but it's still a pig, and most likely will return to rolling in the dirt! We should be content with what we were given.  There are certain attributes we do not have control over....our height, eye color, hair color/type, shoe size, etc., but even some those can be altered.  We just don't seem to be very content with our bodies.  Leave alone what you cannot control and focus on that which you can.  Being slim is not a sign of  good health, but I can guarantee you, being overweight or obese is definitely unhealthy!  In this 'land of plenty', we have become a nation of malnourished gluttons! The American diet is a sorry excuse for a country that is considered the greatest nation on Earth! Third world countries that do not have access to the Western diet do not have the health/disease issues experienced here in the U.S.

Childhood obesity has escalated to the point of our kids developing Type 2 diabetes (that's adult onset diabetes!).  We have a real problem here...and it's not going to get any better unless we do something to improve it....we have too many contributing to the problem, when we need to take responsibility and be part of the solution! The right foods are all around us...sadly most people don't chose them.  Too many adults are the wrong example of eating properly, and this is passed on to our children, something we are certain to be paying for in the near future.  When I was a kid growing up in the 60's and 70's, we were not aware of the impact of cholesterol, or that refined white flour and sugar were bad for our health.  I hear people say things like 'well, our parents ate lard and this and that....and they're still didn't kill them'.  Well, excuse me, this is a lame excuse at best...our hospitals and nursing homes are overflowing with the elderly who cannot take care of themselves any longer because they have failing health and they are taking numerous prescription medications. Living longer has not become living better, or for many really living....just existing...hooked up to life support, crippled. So I ask you, is this working? I'm not trying to be mean....I say these things because I care very deeply, it bothers me and I would like to see people take responsibility toward their body....truly taking care of it instead of abusing it. Most of us through our own personal actions are dying a slow death via our plate.

The more I learn about the mechanics of the human body, the more I am amazed at what a miraculous machine it is! We are truly 'fearfully and wonderfully made' (Psalm 139:14 NIV)  It can take a great amount of abuse...and we seem to have no problem dishing it out, literally! Everybody wants a cure for this and for that, when the cure is at the end of your fork! Nutrition is your first line of defense.  I believe 80% or more of our health problems could be avoided or solved through what we eat. We need to get real, for real about what we consume.  We no longer have the excuse of ignorance.  I understand there is a lot of information out there about nutrition and health and it seems to change day in and day out.  Trying to understand it can be overwhelming.  I have studied about nutrition, herbs and exercise for the biggest part of my life.  Like I said, I'm not perfect...the more I learn, the more I realize I have to learn.  I've made mistakes, plenty...and I've paid for a lot of them.  Believe me from personal experience I can tell you, it's easier to maintain than to gain back good health.  The sooner you can change your bad habits, the better.  Don't think it can't or won't happen to you.  It may seem all is well now, but that can change sometimes in an instant.   Once your body gets out of balance, which happens when it gets past the tolerance point, many things can and will fall out of place, and it is a challenge to get back on track.  I have experienced this myself throughout this past year.

So as I close this blog and reflect back on 2014 and look forward to the new year and new challenges I have put in place for myself, I think of others and especially those who are in my personal circle of loved ones, and I hope that I can be the example they need to change and make better choices.  I am constantly reminding my friends that I am here to help, and that I care.  I have many personal changes planned for 2015, and I am excited to put them in place.  I will share those with my blog readers throughout the year. I hope to be the leading example that many will follow...I will guide you and direct you in a healthy path. Perhaps you cannot understand my commitment, level of dedication or discipline I have developed regarding proper eating and consistent exercise.  You can develop it for yourself...get the right mindset and you'll be successful.  It can be done. Don't buy into the Hollywood hype....this is the real world where you live!  If you have questions, concerns or ideas, please do not hesitate to email me:  I welcome your comments, and I wish you and your loved ones a healthy 2015!