Sunday, January 20, 2013

Know Your Body

One thing that is very important as you pursue your weight loss and training goals is to be in tune with your body.  Granted, you've been around it your entire life, and there's simply no getting away from it!  Especially now you need to really become intimate with it.  You may not have noticed, but your body can tell you a lot of things...not only what is going on outside, but what's happening on the inside as well.  Take heed, it can be your friend or let's get on pleasant terms ASAP!

You should already know that proper fuel is necessary when exercising.  Junk in...junk out.  Believe me...I know this all to well.  I'm a sugar-aholic! And that's poison! Get rid of that stuff that your body cannot use....because it is, well...useless!  You couldn't expect to put water in the gas tank of your car and it run properly....however, our bodies do require lots of water for internal organs to function, but when we feed it refined and synthetic foods and supplements, we will be causing it to operate improperly.  Left unchecked over the years this can bring on disease, aches and pains and many undesirable issues.

Functions such as proper waste elimination are often not discussed or considered important.  It is essential! Do not overlook this.  Solid elimination (aka a bowel movement) should occur at least twice a day...have decent bulk and be easy to eliminate.  If you are straining because of constipation or experiencing diarrhea, then your intestines are telling you something is not right!  Fiber from whole grains and vegetables paired with appropriate water intake will eliminate this adjust your diet as necessary.

Do your nail beds have a nice pink color? Are your eyes clear and bright? Is your skin hydrated and complexion clear? The overall health of your body can be determined by such seemingly ignored indicators of good health.  Perhaps you should consider taking a look in the mirror, check these things out...make a list of where and what needs improvement.  Keep a notebook handy just for this purpose...check and update it often so you can map out your progress.

What you put into and what you do to your body all play an important role in your health.  I have to really stay on top of it and remind myself of the importance of being healthy and in shape, because it is so easy to get off track, and difficult to get back on.  It happens, and it shouldn't be the end of the world...but it is a set-back...and we cannot allow that to happen very often....otherwise we take one step forward and two back, and that can be frustrating and detrimental to our success.

Being healthy and exercising consistently is truly a lifetime commitment.  Making right and proper choices 95% of the time does not allow for much slacking.  Do what is necessary to stay focused....keep a strong mind.  Don't allow others to sabotage your efforts, be very aware of this.  Listen to what your body is telling you, get to know it very only get one body...treat it properly and reap the benefits.  I've said it well and healthy is the best revenge!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Be Healthy, Be Well

Unless you've been living in a remote cave recently, you know there is a flu epidemic sweeping the nation this year.  Details grab the news headlines every day.  People are being hospitalized and some are even dying.  It is truly the issue of the winter season.  I have no idea why it's so bad....I'm sure there's a scientific explanation out there somewhere.

You've heard about washing your hands, and sneezing/coughing in the bend of your elbow.  Ok...those are good practices...but there's certainly more to it than that.  In fact, precautions should be year-round, not something you decide to jump on when you start hearing all the bad news, hoping you can escape the assault.  It's not too late to start with the tips I'm going to give you, however, there is certainly no guarantee that starting now might keep you from getting sick.   There's really no guarantee, period....but there is 'insurance' in putting these into practice.   I can not say it need to be in a habit of making good health decisions January through December.

Your environment inside and out is one of those gray areas, because some of it you can control and some you can't.  Start in your own home.  Do not use harsh chemicals.  These are what I consider the 'mainstream' cleaning products that are on the market....those that are 'synthetic' (full of man-made ingredients).  You should be using eco-friendly (pet/child safe) products.  Buy organic....use natural essential oils to boost the value of your cleaning.  Add several drops of eucalyptus, tea tree oil and/or camphor  to your cleaning products.  These are naturally antibiotic, antiviral, antiseptic and antifungal oils.

Stay on top of your nutritional needs.  Be sure to eat foods as close to nature as possible.  Avoid processed flours and sugars.  Ditch the junk and fast stresses your immune system.  Challenge yourself to eat 5 to 6 different colored fruits/vegetables every day.  Dark green leafy vegetables are full of healthy nutrients that build up your immune system.  Choosing to eat properly 90% of the time is a good start.  Drink plenty of clear water.  Lay off the soda pop and other sugary drinks.  Don't over-do caffeine.  Ground flaxseed is a powerhouse supplement to include in your food.  Add quality pro-biotics such as organic yogurt and kefir to your diet. Start your morning with half a fresh lemon squeezed into 8 ounces of hot water.  This is an excellent liver tonic....and believe me, this is one organ you need to keep in proper working order!

Get at least 3 to 4 days of aerobic exercise for 20 to 30 minutes.  This keeps your blood flowing properly to all those internal organs.  Try to get some of your exercise outside if at all possible.  Don't over-do or expose yourself to extremely cold temperatures.  Be sure to stretch and cool down properly...keep those joints limber.  Get adequate sleep. (6 to 8 hours should be sufficient)

Just as you should be eating whole (live) sure your supplementation is a full complex, not just a 'portion' of the vitamin.  Ascorbic acid is only one part of the Vitamin C complex, thus 'incomplete'.  One of the best supplements I take, and I strongly suggest you check into is Oreganol P73 from North American Herb & Spice.  The best price I've found on it is through Tao Of Herbs ( This is not the kind of oregano you cook with.  It is available in several forms.  I use the drops (a couple of them) on my toothbrush each night, and I also take a capsule each day, I have utilized the drops daily for nearly a couple of years now.

Don't smoke (anything!), and avoid places where you can be exposed to second or third hand smoke.  Do not drink alcohol in excess.  All these unhealthy practices can suppress your immune system, making you more susceptible to illness.

Cover all your bases.  As I mentioned earlier, practice these things year-round...your immune system will be stronger, and hopefully well when everybody else is getting sick.  There are no 100% guarantees that you'll never get sick....but if and when you do, your body has better defenses to get you recovering sooner.

It's the choices you make each day that can equal how your body reacts to all that you're exposed to day in and day out.  Control those things you can, like these I mentioned above, and you will be ahead of the majority of those around you.  Be healthy, be well all year!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Reality Check

The new year has finally arrived! Yay! it's time to face the music! A reality check....weigh in and measure! Yup! It really is necessary.  If you have no idea where you are now, then you will have to idea how far you've come over the next many months.

It's not necessary to be obsessed with it.  You don't have to weigh every day...or even every week.  Weigh once or twice a month, that way the progress you see will be greater and more inspirational.

To take your measurements, you'll need a tape measure.  Keep track of areas such as your chest, waist, hips, upper thighs....all those places you want to lost inches.  Again, do this about once a month.  You don't want your weight loss to be so rapid that you need to do this so often.

That 'blank page' I've spoken of in a previous blog can now apply to what you eat.  This is a great opportunity to really do well.  I will blog more about this.  It's not that you're 'giving up' everything forever.  That's not realistic.  Occasional treats are allowed.

So, welcome to 2013, and I hope this will be a successful year for your to lose weight and be in better health.  The possibilities can only be positive by continuing progress.  Moving forward to improving your health!