Sunday, August 30, 2015

Veggies and Pasta with Tuna (Rebel Fitt Exclusive Recipe)

Even though we're preparing to enter into the Fall season, there's still plenty of time to enjoy some 'lighter' fare...and pasta with veggies can't be beat...add in some tuna, and you've got a nice carb/protein combination.  Following is a Rebel Fitt exclusive recipe:
Veggies and Pasta with Tuna
5 oz. can tuna
2.25 oz can sliced black olives
8 oz. organic Fusilli pasta
1/2 small organic cucumber
1 cup organic broccoli florets
1/4 cup each organic orange, red and green pepper, celery
1/2 cup balsamic salad dressing
1-gallon sealable storage bag
Drain tuna and black olives.  Cut veggies in small bite size pieces...cook pasta according to package directions...drain.  Dump all into the gallon bag, add salad dressing, seal bag and toss well.  Pour into a bowl, cover with lid or plastic wrap and refrigerate at least 4 hours or overnite to mix the flavors.  Enjoy!