Sunday, April 26, 2015

Protein Packed Low Carb Wrap (recipe)

Protein Packed Low Carb Wrap
You will need:
1 low-carb whole wheat wrap
Nut butter of choice (peanut, almond, etc)
Fruit of choice (apple, banana, etc.)
Organic Greek yogurt, plain
Organic ground cinnamon
Organic ground nutmeg
Spread peanut butter, then yogurt over wrap...doesn't need to be fancy or perfect.  Cube and apple (or slice a small banana) to one end of the wrap (very important).  Sprinkle with cinnamon and nutmeg.  Start rolling the wrap as tightly as possible at the end with the fruit.  Cut in half to serve.  Enjoy! How simple is that? And yummy too!

Sunday, April 19, 2015

What Will It Really Take?

I think given a choice, if it were 'easy', most people would choose to be fit.  It is evident by the numbers, that many are not.  A lot has changed over the last four to five decades...there are more overweight and obese adults, and even children are falling prey to this disease. Yes, obesity is a disease...sadly a growing problem here in the U.S.  Even for the average person desiring to 'get there', it can be a struggle, and really, probably what we most desire is unattainable.  I am beginning to realize this.  I don't like it.  I've invested a lot of time and energy into my goals, and even though the one I set for myself this year is a big one, I didn't feel as though it were impossible.  Ok, that being said, it's probably not impossible, but what will it truly take for me to get there, and am I willing to do what is necessary? That's the rub.  I have already changed so much and sacrificed where most people would not.  I did it for my health, so I could move forward and enjoy being healthier.
I have learned a wealth of information regarding health and exercise over the last 30 years.  I read, I study and research.  I don't know it all...far from it...I read more than the average person in this area, and in keeping up on my CEC's (continuing education credits) for my personal trainer certification, I have access to materials others do not.  I am fascinated by muscle mechanics...the human body is a marvelous machine, and I stand in awe of its abilities and diversities. It is truly amazing how one can transform their body...I have experienced this personally in the last year on a level I had never before seen. If you're looking to just lose weight to decrease your risk for certain disease, it's attainable to anyone willing to put in the effort to do it.  However, if you want muscle definition and six pack abs, it's going to take a lot of effort, especially for women, as our bodies really aren't meant to get in that kind of shape. Our dominate hormone, estrogen, and the fact that we bear children, lends our bodies to carry more fat, naturally, especially in the middle section, our core.  This is certainly an area that many women would like to see in shape, and it seems like an endless pursuit to obtain it.
My biggest struggle has been being estrogen dominate.  I found this out late last Summer. This has caused many issues for me, and I have found will most likely hinder me from obtaining the look I long for and have been working so hard to get for the last year...that is disappointing to say the least.  What I don't like is the over use of 'photo enhancement'...aka: Photoshop.  The 'image' this presents is a false one, displaying an 'effect' that simply isn't so.  I see this, you see this, and you and I think, 'yeah, that's what I want'...but, you're not gonna get it and neither am I, because it's really an illusion. These faces you see staring at you from the cover of a magazine and within its pages is fake...these people are not the picture of perfection you are won't get it, because they don't have it to begin with.  I'd really like to put a challenge out there for these fitness issue with NO photo enhancements...give me reality! I'm fed up with the false front, really.  We all have imperfections, but you see...this kind of advertising, money, money...always the bottom line! Makes me wonder, how many magazines would they sell if everybody saw the 'real picture'?
I tend to set a level of high perfection in my own life, however I do not expect it from others.  Strange perhaps, but it's my personality.  I became involved in small dog rescue in 2008, and every dog that I have been blessed to foster and/or adopt, is far from show dog appearance...but I love the little 'quirks' as I consider them that gives the dog its uniqueness and steals my heart.  The tongue that sticks out because of missing teeth, an ear that bends down instead of sticking up, a missing eye...all these are attributes that give each dog character.  Even with these 'imperfections', to me they are perfect!  I fall in love over and over, and this folks is real life stuff!
A friend of mine posted an article to her timeline on Facebook titled 'The Cost of Getting Lean - Is It Really Worth The Trade-off?'  I am sharing the link with you so you can read it, as it is a very informative article and will give you valuable insight and assist you in determining what you want and whether it's something that is attainable for you in your pursuit of health and fitness.  You can read it at:
I doubt I will 'give up' on my goal, the rebel in me won't allow that!  I will keep working toward it because my curiosity begs me to go for it. I will also continue expanding my knowledge in this area. My hope for everyone is better health and fitness, and I continue in the pursuit of learning everything I can to help.  This level of fit can only be obtained through proper diet and consistent exercise.  There are no quick fixes, no magic bullet...simply the 'old school' approach for actually working to get it.  It will take sweat, sacrifice and determination.  Your path may be a long one and have many twists and turns...but remember, this thing called health is a continual journey, not a destination.