Saturday, June 30, 2012

Proper Nutrition - Your First Line of Defense

I've been glad to see over the last decade or so that more attention has been given to organic foods, and people are making changes for the better in their diets.  That being said, there's still a lot of work to be done in this area...not only in the personal realm, but once the information is 'out there', getting more people to apply it to their own lives.
I remember when I was a kid, we didn't know about cholesterol, how it can clog your arteries and be bad for you, or that 'white' bread was made from refined flour.  I guess ignorance was bliss! My mom fixed decent meals, she was a good cook, and my dad planted a nice garden every year.  We only drank soda pop on rare occasion, and what desserts we had were home made....although that was with refined sugar!
We've come a long way...but still a long way to go.  It's so easy to eat wrong, the convenience of fast food is everywhere, the lure of cheap prices on junk food is irresistible.  Time is short these days as busy lives going different directions struggle to sit down to a true meal at the dinner table together.  It's a most people just aren't up for.
Diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure are off the charts....more and more people fall prey to these each year....heart attack and stroke are occuring at much younger ages than used to be.  Why? We're in the 21st Century, we have all this advanced technology, yet people are more sick, ill and diseased than ever before! It just doesn't make sense!
Remember that 'old' saying, 'you are what you eat'? could you be anything else? Junk in, junk out! Realistically, I'm not saying a piece of cheesecake will never pass my lips again! That's certainly setting myself up for disaster.  It's the daily over consumption of this junk that is literally killing us!  It's no longer a 'treat', it's habit.
So, what's your excuse? Not enough time? Convenience? You plan to 'do that' later? When? There's no time like the present to start changing for the better.  I'm sure you've heard it before...even small changes can make a difference.  It's not like four decades ago when we were ignorant to what our foods's in the news....every day I hear something regarding food, health, disease, etc.  You cannot escape it, but I guess you can choose to ignore it.  That is, until something goes terribly wrong.
We tend to not go long without food...we really can''s a necessity.  However, we need to eat to live, not live to eat! That's what can get us in some weighty trouble! Then all kinds of problems set in.  You may 'get away with it' in your 20's...but by your 30's you may start noticing things...and if you can make it to your 40's...that's when things really start to not work the way they used to...and gee whiz, by the 50''s really all catching up now!  Ok, so you think, I'm young...I've got time...don't put it's important NOW, regardless of your age!
I will be adding healthy recipes, better eating guidelines and exercise suggestions to this blog. Good nutrition is your first line of defense in warding off obesity and many diseases...think about that.  I hope you will read these blogs, and make them a part of better life changes.  I'm sure you want to be around to share more time with loved ones...quality of life sure beats quantity of life!  There are no 100% guarantees but why risk it?

Facing The Scale

It's a harsh reality, but a necessary one.   Stepping on the scale...most of us dread it because we know the news will probably not be encouraging....especially that first time when we do it because we've decided it's time to lose weight.  How bad is it? Well...I look at it this is what it is...but I can change that, and I'm going to change that.  Really, that's probably the hardest part...from now on...the scale will be the true measure of your success.
It can be a long road, especially if you have quite a bit to lose...but remember, slow but steady wins the race! Take it off slowly....2 to 3 pounds a week.  You didn't put it on over night, so you're not going to take it off over night.  I believe being informed and educated on weight loss and food aids in the overall success.  I'm not fond of counting calories...measuring I'm not going to ask you to, but I will say, do know how much a serving is...what 3 oz. looks like, what a half cup looks like, don't do seconds and eat a dark green leafy salad every day. 
I will be posting many blogs to assist your journey of weight loss.  I will give suggestions, advice and encouragement.  I know personally how hard it is, how frustrating it can be, but I also know personally how rewarding it is...I feel better at a lower weight, and I have more energy when I eat right.
Don't torture yourself by becoming obsessed with the scale.  Weigh once a week...preferbly the same day at the same time.  I usually wear as few clothes as possible to get a true measure.  Also, don't mentally beat yourself up if you went a little're human.  Pick one day, and one meal to eat what you want.  That's not a license to binge and eat a whole cheese cake.  It's a treat you can look forward to that will help keep you on track.  Moderation is a necessity.
I know of all the temptations.  Be prepared, plan ahead.  This will take thinking in advance on your part.  I'll be here to help.  If you have questions, please ask.  My email address is:, put 'Blog Question' in the subject line.  I wish you every success in your life and health.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Water Is A Very Vital Nutrient

As printed in the Westside Flyer March 10, 1997 (Updated June 29, 2012)

Did you know the body requires six nutrients? Do you know what those nutrients are? They are protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals and water.
In this article I am going to focus on water, the most vital nutrient.  Our bodies are 60% water! Daily metabolic activity accounts for a loss of about tow and a half  liters of water from your body; you require at least one to one and a half liters of clear water a day just for your (internal) organs to function properly.  What happens if you don't get that much in a day? It stresses your organs.  Fortunately for us, the body is able to handle a certain amount of stress, but why push it when we have such easy access to water?
Sources of water are many, coffee, tea, and soda pop... but those don't count as clear water.  Drinks which contain caffeine and/or alcohol actually dehydrate your body.  They are not a water replacement.  Water doesn't actually have a "taste", at least it's not supposed to, it's bland and also calorie and fat free, but I know of some people who claim they don't like water.  One suggestion I have would be to squeeze a little fresh lemon or lime juice into water; lemon is a great internal cleanser, especially first thing in the morning.
Considering the amount of contaminants in today's tap water, serious consideration for a good water filtering system or bottled water would be a good choice, pure steam distilled would be my personal preferance.
There are many fruits and vegetables which contain a significant amount of water like head (iceburg) lettuce and watermelon.  These are assistful in helping to maintain the correct balance of fluids in our body.
Water is not just an important source of hydration for athletes, we all require it, daily.  Eating properly is important, but water surpasses food when it comes down to survival.  Have you had your eight glasses today?