Saturday, November 24, 2012

The Holidays Are Here!

Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's can be rough going nutritionally when you're trying to be careful what you eat and how much you eat.  Then there's the challenge of finding time to exercise! We all have such busy lives, that adding the extra gatherings and events while maintaining some kind of exercise and proper eating habits and routine can easily be set aside.  This is where we must be careful and plan ahead.

It's inevitable...the parties will come....the ones at the office, the ones with friends and then those family dinners! Whew!  Now that Thanksgiving is past, there's two more big ones in the near future.  It truly pays to plan ahead.  If at all possible, find out what the menu is...whether it is simple finger foods or an elaborate eight course meal, this way you can map out what you'll eat, and stick to it, being careful not to overeat.  If you bring something to the event, choose wisely.  I know, this time of year, most people expect that they'll 'junk out'....hey after all, it only comes once (twice, three times) a year! But too much carelessness can be detrimental to your body weight, and adding the pounds is much easier than taking them off.

Maybe it's just me, but I welcome the healthier choices when food is involved.  A cheese tray with multi-grain crackers and grapes is a great choice, as is a veggie tray with a healthy yogurt dip.  Fruit trays are a fresh breath of air, and very can be festive using red and green creative! And make the arrangement attractive....this is something I love to do. (Note: If you're not good at this, have someone you know who is, help you.)

Set aside some extra exercise time to help make up and prepare for those extra calories, as we all know, truthfully, we will indulge a bit...even the best of us! Even an extra 10-15 minutes of aerobics in the morning, or an extra exercise day can keep the pounds under control. 

I cannot say enough about planning ahead, but also preparing your mind to stay strong.  It is tempting, and there will be foods you'll eat that you probably shouldn''s not the end of the world.  It'll just mean caution elsewhere and some extra aerobics or reps with the weights.

I'm not perfect, and I don't expect others to be.  It's rough.  Enjoy the festivities, but stay in's a give and take situation.  If you indulge at that party, then make up for it the next day with your meals by eating extra healthy....adding a few more veggies, fruits and whole grains.  It's probably not the time to fast or detoxify....we'll talk about that for the New Year resolutions!

Have fun, be safe....and stay in's your body and your responsibility....treat it with respect, and reap the benefits! Happy holidays!