Saturday, August 3, 2013

Simplifying Life – Permission to Live and Move On

In retrospect, I now realize how the last two years of my life was dominated by a person who literally controlled my emotions which spilled over to a physical and mental decline that affected my whole body, even spiritually.  I now believe since I am out of that situation that I did not realize I had slipped into a very deep depression.  Being home was a solace, albeit a very temporary one.  The only happiness I derived was that which came from the companionship of my dogs…and even that was affected I now know, because we are very ‘connected’…so what touches me in a negative way, passes on to them.  This particular blog is my therapy of sorts.  I’m on the road to healing…I have been for a little over a month now.  However, it is slow progress…but at least I’m moving in the right direction.

I have decided I want to wake up every morning and truly be able to say, ‘This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it!’ (emphasis mine) I am giving myself verbal and mental permission to laugh and smile, to bring back the animated person I have been…and most importantly….knowing it’s ‘ok’ to be human! I will make mistakes…that’s fine…I learn from them, hopefully don’t make the same ones again…but move on.  I truly need to do that, because I’ve been stuck in an awful rut…pulling myself out of it has become a journey in itself.  I know I’m not alone.  There are those of you out there I’m sure experiencing similar situations in your own life.  Of course, the number one priority needs to be, get yourself out of that harmful condition. How? Determine what steps need to be taken, and then do it!  That’s what I did and with great determination! It’s only then you can recover, begin to live again and move on.  I’m in that process…and it hasn’t been easy, but I’m getting there…forward motion is positive.  I’m not going to live in the past of what someone did to me that caused me so much grief.  I can remember thinking, ‘Anita, he who angers you controls you.’  I don’t like to give anyone that kind of control, but sometimes it is just beyond our own ability and resources to not allow it, especially once we’ve been worn down.

I have always considered myself a positive person.  I can always find the cloud with the silver lining.  I like to enjoy life and be happy…that’s the me I so desperately need back! Yes, I’m older now…50 rolled around last year, but that doesn’t mean I start winding down.  I have a lot to give…I can now do that freely without fear of reprisal.  It is a wonderful feeling, one I’m trying to get used to again.  I have found myself drawing back some in certain situations and being hard on myself.  This is part of it that will take a little more time for me.  I will get there I know, because my faith in God tells me I am not alone. Why trials are allowed in our lives that many times we just simply don’t understand, is best left to God…He has a purpose and reason for everything.  I do believe this past situation has made me a stronger person…and that will enable me to comfort a lot more people down the road that I may encounter that need someone with that experience, which I would not have had previously.

Be good to yourself and most importantly, love yourself.  Take care of you…because you won’t be of much help to others if you don’t.  Keep junk out of your life…look around your environment…what do you really need? Brighten a room, keep it simple and light….don’t weigh yourself down with unhealthy habits…whether it’s what you eat or what thoughts you allow in your head. This isn’t carelessness, it is purging that which is not wholesome and replacing it with what allows you to live with what is beneficial to your well-being.  That’s what this blog is all about.  So I am in the process of reevaluating my home environment, because I so love being in it, and making it more simple, which will allow me to continue my road to recovery.  If it is a journey you are encountering as well, let me know...perhaps we can travel the road together! To your health….to being well and living well!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Being Well -- Living Well

It's not easy living well, let alone being well throughout our lives.  Temptations abound, and so many times we find ourselves giving in, then regretting it later.  Yes, we've all been there, done that! I hate it! Why is it so hard? Well, first off...we're human.  Second, we've fallen into an unhealthy pattern (or habit) that is difficult to break.  It can be done.  I've done it before, and I know I've got to get back into it full swing.  I'm not getting any younger, and neither are you!

With the change over on my blog from a personal trainer perspective to more of a comprehensive nutrition view, these writings will reflect a common goal that everyone can and should obtain to live well and be well.  I am leaving all the previous blogs on here for a you can see I'm not putting myself on a pedestal, I'm down to earth here with everybody else who is struggling to keep on top of their health and well being.  I have said it well is the best revenge.  So, with that being said, there's a lot to blog about.  I hope you're with me on this!

I have just come away recently from a very stressful job situation.  That has now changed for the better.  So now, the plan is to get away from the 'comfort zone' I placed myself in to pacify my stress, and get back on track.  It isn't rocket least it need not be.  Gonna do a weigh in...develop a healthy eating plan, an exercise workout that will finally give me the body I've longed for and gotten so close to achieving in the past.  Now that I have medical insurance available to me here real soon, I can have some things checked that for the last four plus years have been neglected.  This will help me to see where I stand, and allow me to map out where I want to go health and nutrition wise.

So, look forward to hearing more and more from me.  I believe the ideas for blogs will be endless.  Recipes, herbs, exercise, all counts.  Let's get started!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Nutritional Preparation - Key To Succes

Proper nutrition and exercise...they go hand in hand.  To do one without the other is really a waste of time.  Eating right can be a challenge, but planning ahead is what will keep you ahead.  Many people today attend outings that display food spread of goodies that definitely are not on a cleaner' eating program...then there's those pesky fast food restaurants...all those fatty, sodium laden selections.  So, what's a serious, goal-oriented fitness individual to do? I'm not saying you can never let sugar (a.k.a. 'poison') pass your lips ever again, or never have another nachos supreme.  Allowing a 'treat' will aid in keeping you on track.  Now, let's define exactly what 'treat' means.  When you first start out a 'treat' is allowable for one meal, once every two weeks.  The idea is to work up to a 'treat' being one meal once a month (and you may even find you don't want it!) We cannot allow a whole day binge as that could be detrimental to your weight loss that week.  Allowing one meal, within reason...meaning, don't inhale everything in sight!  It gives you something to look forward to (especially if you're struggling in that area) and won't affect your weight loss.  Also, you can plan ahead by eating something before you walk out the door...that way, you're not famished when you are faced with a buffet of epic proportions.  You can allow yourself small amounts, and keep in good with the host/hostess.

When you are traveling or even just going to work, it is necessary to put effort into packing your food.  This will involve some allow for that.  There are many insulated bags these days...different colors and sizes that will come in real handy for packing what you need.  You'll need lots of containers, preferbly glass (you can use plastic bags some too!), and ice packs (they're pretty cheap) to keep your food cold.  As you can see, there's really no excuse (not a legitimate one, anyway) for not staying on track.  Remember, this is a lifestyle change.  It will take a lot of effort to keep it going, and that puts the responsibility on you.  I've said it before, and I'll repeat it again and again throughout this blog....nobody else can do this for you! I want you to be successful.  I can give you information and advice, but I can't eat for you or work out at the gym for you, or lose the weight for you.  Slow but steady wins the race.  It's going to take time, so use that time to make proper and healthy choices, the benefits and rewards will come.  Hang in there with me, ok?

Saturday, March 23, 2013

It's All About Those Abs!

Most people would love to have a flat stomach...and more so, only dream of having that elusive six-pack abs.'s some news you may not be aware already have six-pack abs! Yes, you do! They're just have to uncover them!

The above picture shows the placement of these important muscles.  This entails your body's core....there is a whole lot of movement going on with this area of the body...more than you may even realize.  Rotating from side to side, bending from the really rely on these muscles, so it's important they be in tip-top shape!

There are 6 of them, and they are key in body posture...the transversus abdominis...this is the deepest of the six.  The internal oblique (a pair of these)...they are the next deepest.  The external oblique (another pair), and the rectus abdominus....the ones that give that 'six-pack' appearance.

Okay, so you want them....but how do you get them? Well, it's more do you get them to show? There's no magic bullet...nope...there's no supplement, no quickie exercise, no fad diet that will do this.  It's going to take consistent commitment on your part in exercise, and close adherence to what you eat.  Really, it's almost more of what you do or don't eat.  A clean/raw diet is best.  Yup....that's some work...much effort on your part.  It takes planning and sticking to it.  It depends on how much you want it that important to you?  You've got to be willing to put forth a lot of effort.  It will take a strong, determined, applied mind to win this.

It is so easy for this part of the body to be out of shape, for both men and women.  It seems like any overeating goes right to the middle.  There are some great machines in the gym to help work all the muscles of the abdominal area.  One of my personal favorites is the torso rotation machine.  I certainly wouldn't suggest doing hundreds of crunches or sit-ups, they're not really proven to do the trick.  You need to work all the ab muscles to get your desired results.

I'm still of the somewhat 'old school' belief that these muscles can be isolated and worked out daily.  Right now, I'm working mine three times a whatever benefits I receive will probably be minimal.  If you're really wanting that sculpted look, then daily is a necessity.

As I mentioned, it is really more eating properly.  That does not mean starving yourself.  What it means is eating a lot of 'clean' foods....i.e., raw vegetables, fresh fruit, lean meat, quality dairy and fats.  Do away with refined sugar and flour, deep frying, fatty sauces, fast foods, and those awful caloric soda pops (!!)....those types of things.  It comes down to developing healthy and proper eating habits.  And it most likely will not come all at one time for most people.  It will be a slow but steady progression toward integrating these changes into what you are currently doing.

Persistence will pay have to stick with it.  There won't be immediate results, especially if you are carrying a lot of excess body fat around your mid-section.  It can be done, just don't resort to extremes....not in your diet and not in your exercising.  This could be detrimental to your health, and then you've gained nothing.

Spring has officially arrived, so Summer is just 90 days away.  If you start now, you can make significant progress and unveil a new you in just that short a period.  C'mon...take this challenge with me, will ya? Let me know your progress! Whittle that middle, get your rear in gear, and let's make it a summer about those six-pack abs!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Checking In

Well, we're almost three months into the new year.  It typically seems to be about this time that a lot of people who made a resolution to eat better and lose weight begin fading away on their commitment.  So, how are you doing? I know it's hard.  There are so many temptations!

Spring is just around the corner...just three days away! If it hasn't gotten warmer in your area yet (like it hasn't in mine) will get here.  So if you throw in the towel now...then what will you do when the warmth gets here, and you want to wear shorts and tank tops?  See....keep it up....keep it up! Don't give up! You're getting there.

I'm down three pounds from the beginning of the year when I weighed in.  I cleaned out the pantry yesterday.  I'm back in the gym (feels so good)...make a list if you have to of why you're doing this.  Anything positive that will help.  Don't be obsessive with the scale or the tape's not necessary to over-do it.  Once a month should be plenty.

As long as you're going in the right direction with your weight and your eating habits, you're bound to see results.  I know, sometimes it seems slow...but slow and steady wins the race.  Keep that in mind.  Don't listen to negative people, or those who would like nothing better than to sabotage your efforts. healthy and well is the best revenge. :-)

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Power-Up With Breakfast

I've never been able to understand people who don't eat breakfast.  It's my favorite meal.  There have been numerous times in my life that I've eaten breakfast foods for my evening meal!  Whether you're a fan of breakfast or not, it is a most important meal, after all, it derived its name because you are truly breaking a 'fast'.  Most likely you have not eaten for maybe 12 hours or more.

Especially when you have added exercise to your routine, you need to properly re-fuel your body.  It requires it!  Quality protein and complex carbohydrates (carbs) are essential to muscle repair and to provide energy for the day ahead.  It doesn't have to be complicated, but it does need to be good food....not junk food, not fast food, but foods that are nutritious.  This needs to become a habit for all your meals and snacks.  Junk in equals junk out, and it will not give your body what it needs for a workout.

Eggs whites are a good protein and easy to cook up.  You can purchase them in a carton, making it very simple to prepare.  I like whole wheat English muffins.  You can add Canadian bacon, sliced tomatoes, a little organic cheese and have a wonderful breakfast sandwich.  Add a side of fresh fruit, and you are starting your day off right. 

Fresh fruit instead of store bought juices are a better choice.  Of course, juicing fresh fruits for breakfast (or any meal/snack) is a great option!  You can certainly add vegetables to breakfast, as an egg white omelet with some chopped green pepper, onion, tomato (actually a fruit), broccoli, etc. is a yummy breakfast paired with some whole grain toast (spread lightly with some organic butter).

Don't leave breakfast out...include it every morning, and you will notice how much better your day is because you started it off right.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Home Gym Vs. Gym Membership

I apologize for it being so long since I've been on here....things have been very crazy.  I certainly have lots to blog about, I just could use more than 24 hours in a day!

I'm sure there are many out there who wonder if it's better to work out at home or go to a gym.  Well, there's a lot that depends on that.  What are you looking to do, how much time do you have to devote to it....are you a real socialite? Sometimes it's easier and more convenient to exercise at home.  I believe you can get a decent work out as long as you have the right equipment.  When I lost 40 pounds several years back, I did it from home through diet, aerobic exercise and light weights.

One advantage to a gym is the availability of a variety of exercise equipment that if you had this in your home would take quite a bit of room and cost some money to have....most people are short on and money.  Especially if you are looking to building some decent muscle tone, a gym would be a better option because you have you have a nice selection of free weights and machines.  Also with a variety of aerobic equipment available and many gyms offering aerobic can really zero in on fat burning.

I'm certainly not saying it can't be done at home.  It can....but if you're like me, the 'average' person...a gym membership is of greater advantage.  Most places (at least in my area) you can get a full membership for around $20 a month.  That's just $5 a week...that's not bad.  There are at least a couple of machines that come to mind that I love and certainly wouldn't be able to have here at home, the torso twist and the Smith machine.

With free weights, you can easily change from 5 pounds to 7 to 10 quickly, and this enables you to really pump up your workout for quicker, better results.  As far as machines for the legs, the gym really can't be beat.  I don't use large weights when working on my legs, as the upper muscles known as the quadriceps respond quickly to heavy weights.  And I don't want big leg muscles.  I can press quite a bit, and sometimes just for grins and giggles see how much I can press for a couple reps, but then I get it back to a level I know will tone....that's what I want.

Having a 'back-up' workout available at home is quite simple, and doesn't involve a big investment.  There may be situations due to weather or other issues, that a quick workout at home is in order.  Having aerobic DVD's (I have several), some exercise bands, an exercise ball, various dumbbell weights (I have 7, 10 and 15# which is enough for me), and some kind of compact pulley/band type apparatus works well.  I have one I bought that fits on my door and enables me to work out back, leg, arm and ab muscles.  I just leave it up doesn't take up floor space, so it's not in the way and I think it cost around $40.

It's a personal preference, really.  It's always nice to have other options and enough variety that you'll stick with an exercise plan instead of making excuses and becoming bored....positive results only happen when you do something!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Know Your Body

One thing that is very important as you pursue your weight loss and training goals is to be in tune with your body.  Granted, you've been around it your entire life, and there's simply no getting away from it!  Especially now you need to really become intimate with it.  You may not have noticed, but your body can tell you a lot of things...not only what is going on outside, but what's happening on the inside as well.  Take heed, it can be your friend or let's get on pleasant terms ASAP!

You should already know that proper fuel is necessary when exercising.  Junk in...junk out.  Believe me...I know this all to well.  I'm a sugar-aholic! And that's poison! Get rid of that stuff that your body cannot use....because it is, well...useless!  You couldn't expect to put water in the gas tank of your car and it run properly....however, our bodies do require lots of water for internal organs to function, but when we feed it refined and synthetic foods and supplements, we will be causing it to operate improperly.  Left unchecked over the years this can bring on disease, aches and pains and many undesirable issues.

Functions such as proper waste elimination are often not discussed or considered important.  It is essential! Do not overlook this.  Solid elimination (aka a bowel movement) should occur at least twice a day...have decent bulk and be easy to eliminate.  If you are straining because of constipation or experiencing diarrhea, then your intestines are telling you something is not right!  Fiber from whole grains and vegetables paired with appropriate water intake will eliminate this adjust your diet as necessary.

Do your nail beds have a nice pink color? Are your eyes clear and bright? Is your skin hydrated and complexion clear? The overall health of your body can be determined by such seemingly ignored indicators of good health.  Perhaps you should consider taking a look in the mirror, check these things out...make a list of where and what needs improvement.  Keep a notebook handy just for this purpose...check and update it often so you can map out your progress.

What you put into and what you do to your body all play an important role in your health.  I have to really stay on top of it and remind myself of the importance of being healthy and in shape, because it is so easy to get off track, and difficult to get back on.  It happens, and it shouldn't be the end of the world...but it is a set-back...and we cannot allow that to happen very often....otherwise we take one step forward and two back, and that can be frustrating and detrimental to our success.

Being healthy and exercising consistently is truly a lifetime commitment.  Making right and proper choices 95% of the time does not allow for much slacking.  Do what is necessary to stay focused....keep a strong mind.  Don't allow others to sabotage your efforts, be very aware of this.  Listen to what your body is telling you, get to know it very only get one body...treat it properly and reap the benefits.  I've said it well and healthy is the best revenge!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Be Healthy, Be Well

Unless you've been living in a remote cave recently, you know there is a flu epidemic sweeping the nation this year.  Details grab the news headlines every day.  People are being hospitalized and some are even dying.  It is truly the issue of the winter season.  I have no idea why it's so bad....I'm sure there's a scientific explanation out there somewhere.

You've heard about washing your hands, and sneezing/coughing in the bend of your elbow.  Ok...those are good practices...but there's certainly more to it than that.  In fact, precautions should be year-round, not something you decide to jump on when you start hearing all the bad news, hoping you can escape the assault.  It's not too late to start with the tips I'm going to give you, however, there is certainly no guarantee that starting now might keep you from getting sick.   There's really no guarantee, period....but there is 'insurance' in putting these into practice.   I can not say it need to be in a habit of making good health decisions January through December.

Your environment inside and out is one of those gray areas, because some of it you can control and some you can't.  Start in your own home.  Do not use harsh chemicals.  These are what I consider the 'mainstream' cleaning products that are on the market....those that are 'synthetic' (full of man-made ingredients).  You should be using eco-friendly (pet/child safe) products.  Buy organic....use natural essential oils to boost the value of your cleaning.  Add several drops of eucalyptus, tea tree oil and/or camphor  to your cleaning products.  These are naturally antibiotic, antiviral, antiseptic and antifungal oils.

Stay on top of your nutritional needs.  Be sure to eat foods as close to nature as possible.  Avoid processed flours and sugars.  Ditch the junk and fast stresses your immune system.  Challenge yourself to eat 5 to 6 different colored fruits/vegetables every day.  Dark green leafy vegetables are full of healthy nutrients that build up your immune system.  Choosing to eat properly 90% of the time is a good start.  Drink plenty of clear water.  Lay off the soda pop and other sugary drinks.  Don't over-do caffeine.  Ground flaxseed is a powerhouse supplement to include in your food.  Add quality pro-biotics such as organic yogurt and kefir to your diet. Start your morning with half a fresh lemon squeezed into 8 ounces of hot water.  This is an excellent liver tonic....and believe me, this is one organ you need to keep in proper working order!

Get at least 3 to 4 days of aerobic exercise for 20 to 30 minutes.  This keeps your blood flowing properly to all those internal organs.  Try to get some of your exercise outside if at all possible.  Don't over-do or expose yourself to extremely cold temperatures.  Be sure to stretch and cool down properly...keep those joints limber.  Get adequate sleep. (6 to 8 hours should be sufficient)

Just as you should be eating whole (live) sure your supplementation is a full complex, not just a 'portion' of the vitamin.  Ascorbic acid is only one part of the Vitamin C complex, thus 'incomplete'.  One of the best supplements I take, and I strongly suggest you check into is Oreganol P73 from North American Herb & Spice.  The best price I've found on it is through Tao Of Herbs ( This is not the kind of oregano you cook with.  It is available in several forms.  I use the drops (a couple of them) on my toothbrush each night, and I also take a capsule each day, I have utilized the drops daily for nearly a couple of years now.

Don't smoke (anything!), and avoid places where you can be exposed to second or third hand smoke.  Do not drink alcohol in excess.  All these unhealthy practices can suppress your immune system, making you more susceptible to illness.

Cover all your bases.  As I mentioned earlier, practice these things year-round...your immune system will be stronger, and hopefully well when everybody else is getting sick.  There are no 100% guarantees that you'll never get sick....but if and when you do, your body has better defenses to get you recovering sooner.

It's the choices you make each day that can equal how your body reacts to all that you're exposed to day in and day out.  Control those things you can, like these I mentioned above, and you will be ahead of the majority of those around you.  Be healthy, be well all year!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Reality Check

The new year has finally arrived! Yay! it's time to face the music! A reality check....weigh in and measure! Yup! It really is necessary.  If you have no idea where you are now, then you will have to idea how far you've come over the next many months.

It's not necessary to be obsessed with it.  You don't have to weigh every day...or even every week.  Weigh once or twice a month, that way the progress you see will be greater and more inspirational.

To take your measurements, you'll need a tape measure.  Keep track of areas such as your chest, waist, hips, upper thighs....all those places you want to lost inches.  Again, do this about once a month.  You don't want your weight loss to be so rapid that you need to do this so often.

That 'blank page' I've spoken of in a previous blog can now apply to what you eat.  This is a great opportunity to really do well.  I will blog more about this.  It's not that you're 'giving up' everything forever.  That's not realistic.  Occasional treats are allowed.

So, welcome to 2013, and I hope this will be a successful year for your to lose weight and be in better health.  The possibilities can only be positive by continuing progress.  Moving forward to improving your health!