Friday, June 29, 2012

Water Is A Very Vital Nutrient

As printed in the Westside Flyer March 10, 1997 (Updated June 29, 2012)

Did you know the body requires six nutrients? Do you know what those nutrients are? They are protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals and water.
In this article I am going to focus on water, the most vital nutrient.  Our bodies are 60% water! Daily metabolic activity accounts for a loss of about tow and a half  liters of water from your body; you require at least one to one and a half liters of clear water a day just for your (internal) organs to function properly.  What happens if you don't get that much in a day? It stresses your organs.  Fortunately for us, the body is able to handle a certain amount of stress, but why push it when we have such easy access to water?
Sources of water are many, coffee, tea, and soda pop... but those don't count as clear water.  Drinks which contain caffeine and/or alcohol actually dehydrate your body.  They are not a water replacement.  Water doesn't actually have a "taste", at least it's not supposed to, it's bland and also calorie and fat free, but I know of some people who claim they don't like water.  One suggestion I have would be to squeeze a little fresh lemon or lime juice into water; lemon is a great internal cleanser, especially first thing in the morning.
Considering the amount of contaminants in today's tap water, serious consideration for a good water filtering system or bottled water would be a good choice, pure steam distilled would be my personal preferance.
There are many fruits and vegetables which contain a significant amount of water like head (iceburg) lettuce and watermelon.  These are assistful in helping to maintain the correct balance of fluids in our body.
Water is not just an important source of hydration for athletes, we all require it, daily.  Eating properly is important, but water surpasses food when it comes down to survival.  Have you had your eight glasses today?

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